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Fake Xbox controllers?

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    Fake Xbox controllers?

    Hi everyone,
    I just wondered if there are fake Microsoft Xbox controllers?

    I only ask as my brother has just recieved four controllers new and sealed from a UK ebay seller and when he opened them three of them have been 'burnt/melted' inside the packaging The cable/connector on the controller appears to have melted, and the paper insert has black burn marks on it, yet the outer plastic packaging hasnt been burnt/melted at all

    I read the sellers feedback and two people say that the controllers are fake. Could they be fake? and if so how can you tell if they are fake without taking them apart?

    They are marked as being made by microsoft, and display the microsoft logo on the packaging. They are the exact shape of the official controller S. The packaging hasnt got the microsoft hologram sticker on it, but I know that microsoft only introduced them in later production of xbox accessories, so my brother thought they were just old stock, but im not so sure.


    <EDIT> Heres a link to one of the controllers from the seller:-

    (Please let me know if I am not supposed link to it and ill edit this post)
    Last edited by Link83; 22-01-2007, 13:28.

    There is only one mention of counterfeit and it isn't for these controllers btw.

    I don't think they are fake, but could you post pictures of what the scorch marks actually look like?

    Sounds like they may be faulty but not fake.

    Are they usable?


      looks legit enough.

      there are a lot of fake honk kong models kicking about and it could be one, i am not 100&#37; sure if the honk kong ones are fake but for &#163;5 a pop + p+p it seems a bit iffy.


        I doubt the Hong Kongers would bother faking Microsoft console controllers.

        You'll know if they are fake just by holding them, the official xbox controllers are notoriously solid.
        More likely it is some cheap stock that has been bought as it is damaged and the seller isn't even aware they are crapped.
        Get yourself claiming through paypal.


          Just a thought but the burns you desribed could be due to the packing process. Those sealed bubble-type packets usually start life as a folding shell kind of like you get inside an easter egg box, and they get heat-sealed in the factory. Inevitably the contents sometimes get caught singed by the heating elements in the process, especially the card inserts.

          I'd ask the seller about getting a refund for faulty products before accusing them of selling fakes. If that fails, you still have your 90 day warranty with Microsoft and should be able to get replacements that way.


            Originally posted by MattyD View Post
            I'd ask the seller about getting a refund for faulty products before accusing them of selling fakes. If that fails, you still have your 90 day warranty with Microsoft and should be able to get replacements that way.
            Please dont think I am accusing the seller of selling fakes. Even if they are fake I realise that the seller may not know they are. I'll ask my brother for some pictures.

            The burning is really strange - it looks like inside the packaging the cable caught fire with all black smoke marks on the paper insert - I really wish I had a picture.

            When looking at them I didnt even consider that they were fakes, I just thought there must have been some fault at the factory, but when I looked through the sellers feedback there are some negative comments from users who bought the controllers, who suggest that they may be fakes:-

            "this is not an offical xbox controller it is a copy not pleased about product"
            "warning these are not official controllers, they are a good copys"
            "Cheap copy from China, I returned item but they ignore emails no refund AVOID!"
            "Product same as Hong Kong ones. Buy it for &#163;10 less. Not official. Fast Delivery"

            Also my brother has emailed the seller explaining the fault (not saying they were fakes, as I havent told him yet that they could be) but has not recieved any response.

            Hopefully everything will turn out fine <fingers crossed>
            Last edited by Link83; 22-01-2007, 21:58.


              I bought an 'official' 360 component cable off nexgen7. The picture quality was shocking.

              Upon closer inspection it was made by Micorsoft.

              I emaile'd the c*** explaining it was a moody fake,and he literally gave me an address to send it back to. No sorry,didn't realise etc etc,so he knows he's selling them.

              Report the ****er.


                Oh dear....looks like they are definitely fakes. I emailed two of the ebay members who left negative feedback to get their advice on how to tell them apart from the official ones, and these are the differences they told me to looks out for:-

                "Look at the centre of the controller, it does not carry the microsoft logo, the same is also true for the socket that plugs into the xbox. The cable is also much shorter than a real xbox and the controller does not work as well as a real one, it is not as responsive."

                "The quality of plastic is different as well as the buttons. Cable shorter and feedback response very weak. Controller same as ones from Hong Kong. Buy one from them, same thing, MUCH Better price."

                I havent told my brother yet but I dont think hes going to be too pleased, expecially as he bought four of them costing ?60.00 in all (the seller wouldnt offer combined postage) ft:


                  I see a trend on eBay in which Hong Kong sellers offer products for cheap prices but have relatively outrageous shipping costs and do not offer combined shipping discount. I don't see eBay doing anything about it though... (I reported one last time, but no feedback at all).

                  I have a case where I'm wondering if the white PS2 controller I bought (for a friend and I) are fake or not:

                  I asked the seller before buying if the controller and memory card were official Sony products (the auction states so for the memory card in any case). He said they were. Now it turns out the memory card is totally not an official Sony card and we're doubting if the controller is. The plug and the wire have a different colour then the official white controller. Does this indicate it's fake, or CAN there be difference in that in official controllers?

                  My friend is going to open the controller and see if that clarifies anything.

