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PS2 Arcade Sticks on PS3 via adapter

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    PS2 Arcade Sticks on PS3 via adapter

    Has anyone tried using any PS2 sticks on the PS3 via a USB adapter? The system doesn't recognise the stick movement of my Saturn stick, but that might just be because its incompatible with Saturn controllers fullstop.

    Can anyone confirm if they've got PS2 sticks working and if so list the model of stick they have used successfully?


    On last week's 1UP podcast (maybe the week before? Can't remember for sure) they said that they tried a few sticks with two different USB adaptors on VF5 and said neither of them worked well enough.


      According to posts up at Tekken Zaibatsu and the latest Elecom converters allow you to use PS2 arcade sticks on PS3 with no problems. This seems to be the only adapter that will work.

      Also the XFPS 360 adapter allows you to use PS2 pads, light guns and steering wheels on the 360, I assume it would work for arcade sticks as well.


        Just got one of these from Davino China,

        It works fine with a normal PS2 pad and also my Hori wireless pad, the latter seems a bit jumpy but I think thats down to flat batterys. Dont have a stick to try it out with.

        Link -


          Yeah, I've got an adapter which works fine with the PS1/2 and my Dreamcast pads, but has problems with the Saturn stick, so would be good to see if it will have the same issue with PS2 sticks. Shoju do you have the links to the threads on the sites you mentioned as I looked and couldn't find anything about adapters on the site.


            Meh, I can't be dealing with these adaptor things. I am going to get myself 4 of them Sega Hi-Grade sticks. They'll work with PS2 games too right?
            Kept you waiting, huh?



              3rd paragraph from the bottom of the 1st post.

              Several post about it on this page.

              I have no idea how to condense urls.


                is there a way to use the official dreamcast arcde stick on ps3, via adpaters? i already have the ps2 adpater like posted above, is there one for dreamcast that is used con ps2? seems a longshot but worth a try
                Last edited by yesteryeargames; 27-03-2007, 10:47.

