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I'd quite like a Vista Laptop...

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    Yeah, the specs looks nice. How long are you getting from that battery?


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      Yeah, the specs looks nice. How long are you getting from that battery?
      Well I went for the medium 6 cell battery and on a full charge I get about 3-4 hours, which is usually for web browsing/watching videos. The 9 cell battery is only an extra ?20 however, regret not getting that now. The laptop is lovely, here's a (low quality) pic for you:

      I love it!


        Looks nice, thanks for the pic. That's definitely on my 'one to seriously consider' list.


          Sure, if you want to know anymore about it just ask


            JUst got a laptop with vista, only a cheap one, but beware buying the low end Laptops as vista does make it work a bit and you end up running pretty slow, it is very nice though.


              So does anyone else have any laptop advice for me? Anyone know anything about these tablet PCs? Worth looking at?


                i bought this one for £570:

                only 1 gig Ram but thats cheap t upgrade. comes with XP MCE but a free upgrade to vista is included. Would've spent more but I couldn't really justify it, and this was the cheapest decent laptop that didn't come with crappy integrated intel graphics.


                  Anyone know why this one is so expensive? -
                  I can't see anything justifying the price. Any ideas?


                    Blatantly a misprice.

                    A slightly lower spec model of the same lappy was reviewed here, according to the article it was £797.


                      Thing is though, there's a whole page of different Fujitsu laptops that go from that price all the way down to €3,000 and below. I'm not so sure it's a misprice.

                      Explore our extensive range of laptops engineered to power your every endeavor. From sleek designs to blazing-fast performance and free delivery on orders over €250.


                        The same laptop is available here for ?740 and here for ?724. Oddly enough a quick froogle shows a few retailers selling for several grand besides the site you've linked to. The difference in prices is plain weird!


                          That difference in price is absolutely bizarre. Shows I need to do quite a bit of shopping around before I buy.


                            Originally posted by Mofoman View Post
                            Dell Inspirion 1501 with Dual core Turion, awesome laptop , I just got a few in today and they are lightning quick and the Sata drives are just gorgeous, the thing is silent too, which makes a huge difference, and it is more than capable of Vista premium.

                            Dell provides technology solutions, services & support. Buy Laptops, Touch Screen PCs, Desktops, Servers, Storage, Monitors, Gaming & Accessories

                            Have a look at these, and if buying the Inspirion, get 1gb of ram, and the better screen. It also comes with the option to upgrade to Vista for thirty quid or something.Trust me if your not using the machine for game's these are massively impressive laptop's for the price, and the Turion dual core processor's are really good, obviously the Core 2's are better, but the difference is pretty minimal is the majority of application's.
                            I'm using this laptop & can't get Readyboost to work with SD cards (even that people have put on 'working with Readyboost' lists on the net) using the 3-in-1 card reader built in. Do you know why that is? I mainly use the card for backup/transferring files but I have a 4gig one so thought it would be nice to use a gig or so for readyboost in addition... any ideas? Thanks!


                              is it readyboost compatible?


                                Originally posted by kernow View Post
                                is it readyboost compatible?
                                The SD card is..

