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PC Games to get for my new PC

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    PC Games to get for my new PC

    If the game is not available on XBOX 360 I will be interested.

    I think I will have

    Football Manager 2007 game
    Total War Collection (With Rome, Medivals, etc)

    Got Lemmings and Grand Prix 4, Grim Fandango, The Dig, Full Throttle already.

    Can anyone recommend an FPS or action game which will show off it graphics power. (Ideally with XBOX 360 pad via usb)

    Is that Crytek new game out ? I will not use PC for gaming as much.

    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is a good one if you're into action rpgs. Can probably be had for close to a tenner these days.


      Rainbow Six Las Vegas is pretty reasource/graphics intensive (and you can use the 360 pad). Never Winter Nights 2 is also a resource whore with everything maxed out.

      If you like real-time strategy games, then Company of Heroes is a recent gem, its my fav rts of all time.

      I also purchased Europa Universalis 3 recently, its alot of fun if your into history and diplomatic stratergy games, its alot like Civilization only simpler. A normal game starts around the 1400's and runs until the 1700's, a great game, but demands alot of time.


        Try Oblivion if you don't already have it. I know you said you don't want games available on 360, but it's the perfect showcase for your PC.

        Or.. heh. Everquest 2.

        Company of Heroes is another good showcase.


          supreme commander is out soon

          also agree with never winter nights 2/company of heroes/dark messiah of might and magic

          X3 the threat....though that is a game you have to put in ALOT of time and patience

          i have ordered ufo-after light (will do a first play thread when i get it but it had some good reviews)


            If you have Vista on your new PC beware of games which come bundled with the notorious 'Starforce' copy protection, such as ^^ X3-The Threat.
            Vista wont let Starforce install its low level PC busting code and as a result some games will not run at all or require a patch from the nice people at Starforce Command.

            It is said publishers are leaving Starforce in droves, which is good for your PC and future games, but not those games already using it.


              Company of Heroes and Prey are two of the most visually impressive games I've played. Both offer widescreen support and I believe there's going to be a dx10 patch for Company of heroes.


                For something a little different try Call of Juarez, a western FPS with a decent story, good gameplay and top notch visuals.


                  x3 is out on steam....and i think it does not use starforce on that

                  i do agree about the starforce i think possibly it has caused problems on my comp......there is no way i could ever prove that though


                    supreme commander is out friday. just wait and get that, that will really show how beastly your new pc is.



                      Trippy graphics ahoy!


                        Command & Conquer 3 when it comes out ^^ Maybe Neverwinter Nights 2 if you can get into it.


                          Rainbow 6 Vegas, love this game on the pc as the keyboard/mouse combo for fps's as we all know is unbeatable. You'll need a fairly decent graphics card mind, but it does have lots of eye candy.

                          Don't know if a 360 pad works, as i've ony got the wireless ones for my console but I can't see why it won't be configurable.


                            Black & White 2.

                            It's louuuuuuuvely.

