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Best GBA/DS Strategy RPG?

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    Best GBA/DS Strategy RPG?

    I'm trying to choose between these three games. I got on quite well with FFTA, though I know many people really dislike it. Frequently when I mention it, I hear several titles compared to it:

    Yggdra Union
    Riviera: The Promised Land
    Tactics Ogre
    Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
    Onimusha Tactics
    Fire Emblem 1&2

    People often say these are better, to varying degrees depending on who you ask. I'm trading a copy of Ouendan with my mate, and I was going to ask him to go out and find one of these to trade for it, which would the forum suggest? (normally I'd just sell it and find the game myself, but that's not an option as I'm in Japan).

    I'm particularly interested in Shining Force, as despite being a megadrive owner as a kid I never got to play the games.

    The main thing I want is something that blends the travelling and exploring of a game like FFIV with a strategy battle system like FFTA's - I don't want to explore the world via menus.

    Well, I haven't played Yggdra Union, Riviera: The Promised Land or Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon yet, but so far, my favourite SRPGs on the GBA have been the Fire Emblem games. I forget what travelling was like in FE though; I think it was Story Sequence > Battle > Story sequence etc, without much in the way of exploration, but I could be wrong. (it's been a while since I played them) Oh, and avoid Onimusha Tactics.


      Hmm thanks. Fire Emblem would doubtless be easy for him to snap up.

      And there still aren't any games of this kind for the DS, right?


        Fire Emblem's excellent, but it's a bit more akin to an RPG-tinged Advance Wars.
        I think that Tactics Ogre would be your best bet if you can find it. It's a truly excellent game from the same creator as FFTA.


          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Tactics Ogre is brilliant but very pricey if you want an original. There is Ys Tactics (or something like that) on the DS which did get a PAL release, don't know if its any good though.

            I'll also give a vote to Fire Emblem, havn't played the sequel but the first GBA game is great. I think I preferred Tactics Ogre but i'm not sure.

            Riviera is good as well, although I didn't play much of it - might be hard to find mind you. Not sure about Yggdra Union, but judging from the reviews, it sounds very good. One on the forums here I think.

            I've heard some bad things about Shining Force, although the reviews seemed to be ok - might be worth skipping this one.

            Overall - I think Fire Emblem is you best bet, easy to find and top game.


              Originally posted by Champloo View Post
              There is Ys Tactics (or something like that) on the DS which did get a PAL release, don't know if its any good though.
              It's meant to be good, but the game flows at a crippling pace. Was gonna buy it last week, but after hearing that I decided against it.


                Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                I'd second this. Despite a couple of bugs and some lack of polish that an extra three months of development would have fixed, this is a sterling performer.

                Loved it.


                  Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                  This + Fire Emblem. Everything else I found a bit dull to be honest But give 'em a go anyway!


                    I love Yggdra Union, much more than any title you've listed. At first it's difficult to manage all the things the game throws at you, but the various endings, secrets, characters and above all game system literally captured me...right now I'm at the third playthrough and still have things to unlock.

                    I'd skip Onimusha Tactics as it's really really dull, the rest are good strategic games.

                    As for Fire Emblem, I'll go with the first (Fire Emblem/VII/The Blazing Sword) of the two, although it lacks "free roaming" and some classes it's more challenging and, in a certain way, polished...The Sacred Stones felt a bit of a rushed work.

                    Riviera is more a classic RPG than a strategy RPG, although it plays a bit different even from the former genre...battles don't hold much strategy in them though you have an handful of bath scenes with all the cuties of the game - and, mind you, there are only a couple of male characters in the whole game ^^


                      Rebelstar really is the nuts...

                      Have to champion it because Laser Squad is one of my favourite games of all time (which is why I had to review it for here as well!).
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        Super Robot Wars Original Generation. Its great and out in the states.

