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XBMC mistake - black screen - in need of urgent help!

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    XBMC mistake - black screen - in need of urgent help!

    Hi guys

    Having bought a modded xbox (executer 2 chip I believe, though I am unsure) a while ago on this fine forum I have been delighted with it, using the xbmc dashboard the previous owner had preinstalled.

    Anyway, I decided to update it today using a newer build by overwriting the files in its location on the E: drive via Flash FXP, and when I turned it back on all I got was the execuer 2 load up screen and then a black screen.
    Needless to say I am an absolute plank for not just leaving the working version alone (I just couldn't resist the niggling feeling to upgrade) and after some research I believe that this is due to the fact I didn't 'point' the system to the new build by updating a file on the C: location.
    I honestly don't know what to do next, I can't FTP to the xbox (presumably due to the fact it has no dash now) so I have downloaded and burned a version of the Slayers Evox disc (ver 2.6) and have the autoinstaller deluxe v3.10 on the download as I was informed I might need these (possibly to allow me to FTP).

    If anyone could offer me some advice on this matter, and possibly put my fears to rest that I've f***** my xbox, then I will be eternally indebted to you.

    Many Thanks


    I don't know about slayers, but you could also put EvoX on a disc and that too would give you ftp access. Once you've done that, follow the readme that came with the build of XBMC to do a dash install.


      Rebuilding the HD from the Slayers disc will work fine, and above should too, as you haven't killed the BIOS, just the OS.


        I think you forgot to reset the chip's built-in options. I know this has to be done for an X3 (not sure about X2 though) when trying to put in some new skins or even flashing a new bios. I really can't tell if this is the cause of the black screen , but keep this in mind.
        Also remeber to use a different OS when trying to upgrade/alter the one that you use normally, as some errors might occur when altering the one that you use at that time.


          Depending on the age of you previous XBMC build i.e more than 6 months old then you will have to do a clean install of XBMC. The structure has changed so much and don't forget to delete the XBMC 'game save' that stores the settings. This can be done from the MS dash.
          As suggested above just boot the slayers disk to get FTP access to repair your install.
          I would suggest the T3CH build.


            Many thanks for all your comments guys. In the end I decided to opt for the autoinstaller deluxe disc which has been an absolute godsend. It installed the newest tech build of xbmc so im chuffed atm. Was going to install the clearity skin though im unsure now whether ill bother given the hassle!

            Last edited by Mercian; 22-02-2007, 14:54.


              Originally posted by smouty View Post
              I would suggest the T3CH build.
              Is that regarded as one of the best builds out there then? Been out of the loop for some time, and looking to install a new XBMC so i need some recommendations. The one i have, the scripts no longer seem to run, and being not very tech-y i've no idea how to update them


                Originally posted by muppettom View Post
                Many thanks for all your comments guys. In the end I decided to opt for the autoinstaller deluxe disc which has been an absolute godsend. It installed the newest tech build of xbmc so im chuffed atm. Was going to install the clearity skin though im unsure now whether ill bother given the hassle!

                Is AID that up to date?
                The latest Tech build was only last week.
                Sorry but I've never used it ;
                If you download the skin just ftp it to the skin folder where XBMC is installed. There should be at least one other skin installed, possibly PMIII or MC360.


                  Originally posted by Oh_Mutants View Post
                  Is that regarded as one of the best builds out there then? Been out of the loop for some time, and looking to install a new XBMC so i need some recommendations. The one i have, the scripts no longer seem to run, and being not very tech-y i've no idea how to update them
                  I think so and it seems pretty popular with XBINS, torrents and now on his own site.
                  XBMC has had a link to XBMCscripts for a while to automatically browse, download and install scripts online to make it easier.

