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Wii SD Card Problem

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    Wii SD Card Problem

    I just bought SanDisk for wii, a 2 gb SD card, but have had problems. First the PC wouldnt let me put nything on it, saying i had to format it. Then I formatted it, and then i could put stuff on, so i put a few songs and some pics.
    Then i put card into Wii , but the photo channel said there was nothing on the card. Same for Excite Truck.
    In settings, it also came up as an empty SD card. Then back on the PC it wouldnt even let me open the card again.

    So I bought another one, and now the same thing is happening!!

    Any ideas on what the problem could be? Thanks in advance.

    Can you Format the card in the wii?


      Is one able to do that?
      I cant see an option for it


        I believe only the Wii system memory can be formatted.

        Dunno why the data on the card isn't showing up, maybe your using the wrong format for the pictures and audio. Might be an idea to try copying files from your Wii system memory to the SD card, least then you'll know if the card's faulty or not.

