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Power Smash 3 - English menus?

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    Power Smash 3 - English menus?

    Does anyone know if Power Smash 3 will run in English if that's your PS3 setting? It would save the fortnight's wait for Virtua Tennis 3, and as I have a PS? but no games for it ...

    well its impossible to say 100% as its not out until March 8th. However Sega is the maker of the game, and Virtua Fighter 5 the Japanese version plays in full English when your console is set to English so i think it will be in English. I also think if your console is set to English that the title screen will change to Virtua Tennis 3.

    The game is ?30 at including free postage and all customs paid so its a tenner cheaper than the PAL version online.

    very fast good service.


      Played this at a mate's last night (very good it is too) & it does have full English support.

      The title screen still says Power Smash 3 btw!

