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Which Console to Buy ?

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    Which Console to Buy ?

    A friend has around ?475.00 in Game vouchers to spend after trading bits and pieces in, as I see it the choices are -

    UK PS3 + HDMI cable + 1 or 2 Games ( 2 if lucky ).
    UK 360 + HD-DVD Drive + VGA Cable + 1-4 Games.
    UK Wii + Component cable + UK DS + 5-6 Games.

    Now I've not seen a PS3 but after reading bits on the forum the general opinion appears to be it's overpriced. Blue-Ray is a nice addition though and it's built in.

    The 360 is lovely but noisy, however the HD-DVD is a bonus and fits into the budget quite well.

    The Wii + DS looks very good value but just how much of a gimick is the motion sensitive control on the Wii as the SSX Blur review on Gamespot says it's a little iffy.

    The Wii bundle allows the most games but a couple of very good games would keep him going for some time on the 360 or the PS3.

    He does not really have a preference for game types and would likely only be buying games on a semi-regular basis.

    As it stands now,purely on software available,i would say 360 without a doubt.

    In the future,maybe PS3. Its very slick,but for me the Live aspect of the xbox wins it.

    The Wii i see as an addition to the other two.


      I'd tend to agree with Nick. There is no compelling reason to invest in a PS3 right now, whereas the 360 already has an extensive library of great games and easily the best online service.


        If he's not interested in the online services offered then it's purely down to the games (If he is, the 360 is the only real choice at the moment). 360 should offer much the same as the PS3 for the multiformat releases so look at potential future exclusives.

        If he likes Nintendo stuff (Or party games) then the Wii would be the obvious choice.


          Tell him to get whichever he feels he'll have most fun playing. All three have their strengths and weaknesses and deciding which to buy is purely a matter of taste.


            Whenever anyone asks me which console to buy I always tell them to look for the games they are interested in then buy the appropriate system.

