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PS2 VGA cable?

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    PS2 VGA cable?

    Can anyone please tell me if there are any good PS2 VGA cables out there? I want to be able to play a ps2 on my pc monitor, provided the picture would be no worse than on an SD tv. Not all of the ps2 games have progressive scan though. Any help?

    You can get certain modchips that can force VGA on titles which gives you a reasonably high compatibility and an excellent picture. Other than that you won't have any luck.


      So, without a modchip, I can't get ps2 games to run on a pc monitor period?


        You need XBOX 360 or Dreamcast if you want to play games with PC Monitor.

        PS2 can run VGA but that is for linux development stuff.

        You could look for something to convert component to VGA which will help. Alternatively replace your monitor or buy a TV.


          Are there any good ps2 component cables out there? And component to VGA converters?

          edit: ah, but not all games support progressive anyway, and without that I can't run them in component...

          surely there must be some sort of option apart from mod chips!


            Well, there is. Although it's not for everyone.

            I play my PS2 on my Plasma using VGA.

            What I use to do it is this with this.

            The only real problem with all this is that not all games are compatable with the software.

            It makes a difference in the games that it does work with though, as using it I can make FFXII display in 640x480 RGBp @ 75Hz. This is good as I get the best possible picture and it runs faster, so FFXII which I felt was a bit sluggish, plays much better.

            So this is not a 100% fix for you as there is none. As the PS2 does not have native support for VGA in games, there will alway be games that work with the different methods and games that don't.
            Last edited by 3x3cut10n3r; 04-03-2007, 23:30.


              If I recall correctly, there are two types of VGA boxes for PS2. One type will only work for games that support progressive scan, which is quite limited, but it does look nice when it is supported.

              The other type works on all games, but looks like crap, and definately worse than a crt TV.

              I wouldn't settle for either option, personally. My recommendation is a cheap TV capture card and Dscaler. You'll need to have your PC on though, and not just your monitor. It's worth it I think. The picture is sharper.


                with a PS2 nothing is gonna beat a good old RGB CRT


                  I use a VGA box of the type shown in the link. It will convert RGB or composite over SCART to a D-sub at VGA, SVGA or XGA.
                  It's make number is CM345S but you can get a CM345T which apart from having a TV tuner does composite, S-video and component to D-sub at the same resolutions.
                  These sort of boxes can't compete with professional stuff of the like that Keene sell but you need a few thousand spare for that sort of stuff.
                  I like it although for me it's also a question of convenience. I don't watch much TV but have a few spare monitors about the house.
                  The boxes are made by CYP who have a web page.

                  But you have to order their stuff from Lektropacks.

                  is the SCART one. Here's the component one.

