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Possible to monitor wireless downloads

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    Possible to monitor wireless downloads

    Is there any freeware that will monitor the amount of data downloaded over a a wireless connection ?

    I think someone is cracking my wep keys and is hopping onto my wireless broadband at home. Can I get some software to show me who is using it and how much data they are downloading ?


    Can you see the MAC address connected to your wireless access ?
    I guess by the process of elimination you could determine if someone is hijacking your connection.

    Alternatively avoid using wireless yourself for a few days and frequently monitor the router to see if there are any wireless connections active.


      You could turn on MAC filtering, then it won't matter if they crack the WEP keys as their computer won't even be allowed access to the router.


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        You could turn on MAC filtering, then it won't matter if they crack the WEP keys as their computer won't even be allowed access to the router.
        Ok, thanks I'll give that a try.


          I'd suggest checking your mac list, most routers (or the ones i've used) list the Mac addresses in use, which I label as the appropriate device.

          You should then be able to spot an imposer.

          Also locking down by mac, and even hiding the SSID (you'll have to specify it in your devices to get connected) may help.... problem is, if the person is determined enough, they'll be able to sniff it all out.

          WAP will be your only solution.


            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
            You could turn on MAC filtering, then it won't matter if they crack the WEP keys as their computer won't even be allowed access to the router.

            its even easier to spoof a MAC address than cracking a wepkey


              If you want to be really clever/evil, you could use a wireless sniffer (it's your bandwidth so it's fine) to see what sites they are logging into, and if they are daft enough to be using a paypal account/ bebo /hotmail etc, you could report them to the police.

              Apparently it's defined as an act of terrorism now or something!!


                You should use WPA encryption instead of WEP. WEP is really insecure from what I hear.


                  Yeah, definitely go for WPA or WPA2 if you have the option. As far as I know there aren't any cracks for it, whereas you can crack a WEP network with freely available tools in five minutes or so. Just bear in mind that WPA will preclude you from using the DS online, and the 360's wi-fi thingy doesn't like WPA2.

                  MAC filtering should be used as a complement to encryption, but it's not enough on its own. Many devices let you change your MAC address and you can find nearby active MAC addresses with any packet sniffing software.

