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Broadband, PC and a GameCube...

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    Broadband, PC and a GameCube...


    I need some technical advice please...

    Tomorrow I am getting Broadband with NTL (yippee!). But I need to know the following:

    1) How do I set it up so that my bf can be online on the PC and I can still play Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube at the same time?

    2) Obviously I will need a BB Adapter for the GC, but is there anything special that I need to do to get the GC to connect, or will the GC just recognise that it is BB?

    3) Any other gems of information are welcome!


    hey sdub,

    firstly, you need to get a router which will allow to share the single IP connection so PC and GCN can go online at the same time.

    second - yes, a BB adaptor will work fine. You won't need to do anything special, other than making sure that the IP settings are set to automatically obtain an IP address.

    you should take a look at nthellworld's forum which has some basic info (yeah, xbox related but the same principles apply).

    hope that helps...


      I don't know too much about cable bb (I'm on dsl), but I think you will need a router/switch to allow you to plug multiple devices in at once. Look for a 4 port router. Then you can plug a PC, laptop, GC and Xbox in all at once. You should be able to pick one up from pretty cheaply.

