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Disc repair service

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    Disc repair service

    I am offering a disc repair service (optical discs).
    If you have any scratched/worn discs that skip or don't play properly any more, send them to me and I will give them the once over with my disc repair machine.
    It will only repair damage to the data side and will also not repair very deep scratches. But scratches from everyday use or dropping on the edge of a table should be alright.
    It works by removing a very thin layer of plastic off the surface, filling in the scratches and then resurfacing.
    For your information, when viewed from straight on, (like your laser sees it) it will almost look like a new disc, but when viewed from other angles there will be a faint spirally pattern, but at least the disc will work again.
    I have tried it on an irreplaceable non-functioning disc and it now works perfectly.

    1 disc ?4
    2 discs ?5
    discs thereafter ?2 each

    Prices include recorded delivery back to you.
    Discs will be returned in plastic sleeves, in a jiffy bag.
    If the repair does not work, I will refund the repair price, so even for heavy scratches, it might be worth you sending it to me.
    I assume that all discs sent to me are worthless, since they do not work properly.
    I accept cash or direct transfer.
    If anyone is interested, please PM me.