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PS3 Online?

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    PS3 Online?

    Does anyone know if theres a way to connect the ps3 online without the use of a router??? i've tried and nearly got there but it tells me it times out at the last minute. thank you in advance

    If you're not connecting it to a router, what are you connecting it to?


      i was just connecting my modem directly into my ps3. i've read about a thing called linksys for the xbox 360 would that do the same job on my ps3?


        If you're connecting an Ethernet port on the PS3 into an Ethernet port on the router then you should be OK. If you're trying to use USB, I wouldn't expect it to work to be honest.

        Linksys are a company that make networking hardware (Routers, modems, switches etc...).

        If you detail precisely what you're trying to do (Connection types, hardware used etc...) we might be able to give a little more help.


          i'm trying to find a wireless ethernet connection router but i want to make sure wat ones would work before i go out and buy one.

          Because i'm new to all of this and i dont want to waste any money on one that wouldn't work rite.

          So i would appreciate it if anoyne could give me a list of a few good ones that you know works fine with the ps3 and i could get them from pc world etc.



            I use a Netgear DG834G and it's been fine. There's a newer model out now, the GT I think, and I'm sure plenty of people are using that. Mine's been tested with the PS3, Wii and DS with no trouble.


              And I use a Linksys WRT54GS, which works fine with my PS3/Wii/360.


                DG834G ftw!


                  thanks alot you've been very helpful i'm going to start looking at some just now hopefully i'll be online by the weekend


                    hello again i bought a router and have got my ps3 online now but i'm using the same ip address my pc has would this be ok? and if not do any of you know how i can set up an ip adress for the ps3 itself? thanks in advance


                      Your router should assign unique IP addresses automatically. You can't use the same IP addresses together as a part of the same local network.


                        my router never gave me one wen i was setting it up i'll try it again and see if it will this time

                        i have a netgear wgt624v3 if anyone would be able to help me on how to do this. thanks


                          If your router didn't give you an IP address, you wouldn't be able to get online at all. So it must have done. You can set it so that the DHCP server on the router always assigns the same IP to your PS3 or PC, you'd need to read the included manual for information on how to do that though.


                            i've sorted it am up and running online fine now cheers for all the help

