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PSN Europe

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    PSN Europe

    Does anyone know when this is going live? Really want to buy Tekken5 DR and this will be my first chance - no credit cards that work abroad...

    PS3 is getting better at the moment, hope the EU store is as diverse as the USA/JP one is.

    Tekken 5R and some other PSN games are listed for release on launch day so I'd imagine it will all be up and running come Friday.


      Sweet. Looking forward to some more use out of the big black beast.


        yeah, im starting to enjoy it alot more, ive got a HK and USA account already set up, and i downloaded the everybodys golf demo, was very impressed with the game!



          Don't really like the layout of the PS3 online and the overall structure. I think they should attempt to make the online system more felxible ala Xbox Live. You should be able to see/send messages and chat to to your friends cross-game.....oh yeah and a simple friends list wouldn't go amiss, not one friends list for Resistance and a seperate on the PS3 dashboard. Don't even get me started on the region based online stuff too, that is amazingly poor! I dunno maybe I am spoiled by Xbox Live being so user friendly and well structured. Saying that thought maybe the whole PS3 online structure will improve once the PS3 Home comes along and maybe future patches will fix the issues I mentioned earlier. But so far the online stuff functionality is rather poor in my opinion.

