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Sony LCD TV, Dreamcast VGA Trouble.

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    Sony LCD TV, Dreamcast VGA Trouble.


    I have recently bought a Sony LCD TV which has VGA input on it. Excellent I thought. I can plug in my dreamcast, xbox, and Gamecube via VGA as I already had the cables from using them on my monitor. However I get a message saying Out of Range. Am I missing something really obvious here?

    Or is it just a no go?


    It probably doesn't support the resolution that the consoles output.

    What model of Tv is it?


      Yea thats what I thought. Anyway its a Sony KDL26U2000U.

      Guess its component all the way now then.


        Are the consoles PAL by any chance?

        The Tv supports 640x480 at 60hz over VGA, so it should work.

        How are you connecting them via VGA?


          Only the xbox is pal. The GC and DC are both Jpn versions. I am going through as 8 way switcher though. I will try a direct connection tonight see if I have any joy. Thanks.


            OK here is an update.

            Plugged DC straight into VGA port. Still get an out of range message. So to make sure that the point was working I plugged in my PC. No trouble there it was up on the screen in 640 x 480 60hz.

            I'm confused now??


              Had the same thing recently with a friend's picture on his monitor.
              He was/is clueless so i went round there with my DC,thinking it was the only thing i had that would output a vga signal.
              Out of range too.

              Then i remembered getting some adaptors with my powerbook,so took that and them round,and got a picture,at 640x480 too.

              So i think the long and the short of it is,is the dc doesn't output 640x480. His 360 works fine on it though.


                Try something different with Dreamcast as VGA cable or adapter might not work very well.

                Have you tried another game.

