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Potentinally Unsafe? A question concerning wires...

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    Potentinally Unsafe? A question concerning wires...

    Hi there guy, I'm sure we all know how much of a hassle it is sorting wires out for out gaming set ups, I've just given mine a quick sorting, and I'm curious of the fire hazards surrouding.

    I just need a quick yes or no - is this a safety hazard?

    I've heard it's not a good idea to keep wires bundled as I have, I'm just wondering if any of you lot get past the spaghetti junction by doing something similar to this.
    Cheers in advance,
    Last edited by AngelsInFlight; 24-03-2007, 10:13.

    Nah, looks fine to me fella!

    You wanna see the state of my wires, although the thought of burning to death in my sleep doesn`t really bother me.


      Is it the free cremation the appeals to you?


        I'd be incline to say you'll be fine with that.

        Compared to this you've certainly got nothing to worry about:


          360, gamecube and a dvd player hooked up to a surround setup.... i keep meaning to re-arrange and tidy the cables but i never get around to doing it.

          in comparison you've no problem... if i stop posting here suddenly you'll know to sort out your cables.


            No matter how much you make them tidy, somehow they always end up tangled.
            It is one of the many mysteries of our planet.


              Messy cables are in theory better than tidy cables. For example, don't use those cable tidies that let you zip them all into a tube.

              Theory is that the two parallel electromagnetic fields of two cables next to each other can interfere with each other, so it's best for them to cross over at 90°, although just letting them all be really messy is almost as good

              This interference can show up as visual or audio interference, or in the case of a reel of electrical extension cable carrying high current applications such as a lawn mower, it manifests as heat and the cables melt or burn (which is why it's advisable to unreel the lot if you are going to be using it for a long period of time with a high powered tool). The latter will never happen on a few bits of AV setup that use pretty minimal ampage.

              So, in summary, messy is good. Anyone with a tidy setup with all their cables next to each other hasn't set up their setup right (not that I've ever noticed any of this fabled interference).


                I have never heard of bundled cables catching fire
                All my cables are neatly bundled (Like the way cables are bundled when you first get them with a twisted cable tie - not in a plastic cable tidy) - should I be concerned about the risk of fire?


                  oh dear - i've cable tied mine up all together

                  i didnt know about this


                    Originally posted by Link83 View Post
                    I have never heard of bundled cables catching fire
                    All my cables are neatly bundled (Like the way cables are bundled when you first get them with a twisted cable tie - not in a plastic cable tidy) - should I be concerned about the risk of fire?
                    As I said, only if you are running high ampage tools on the end of a rolled up extension reel. So basically, no. Your kit won't catch fire.

                    I've tried with my flymo to see what would happen and after a few minutes the cable reel (20Meter) got warm, but nowhere near enough to melt anything. lol.


                      Seriously buster, don't worry about it. Apart from appearing very anal (which we all know you are and proud), you'll never notice any problem from interference unless you have a whole bunch of mains cables going along in a big line next to your speaker cables.

                      I only brought it up to show the theory behind why the rumours start.


                        Slightly off topic, how many of you guys use decent surge protectors? I know a lot of you have some expensive gear, and I know personally I wouldn't want to risk my investments...


                          Originally posted by Hohum View Post
                          Slightly off topic, how many of you guys use decent surge protectors? I know a lot of you have some expensive gear, and I know personally I wouldn't want to risk my investments...
                          I use this belkin isolator/surge protector:-

                          abit expensive I know, but worth it in my mind


                            Can this be a "post your messy cables" thread please?



