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Low 3d mark 06 scores?

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    Low 3d mark 06 scores?

    my system is about a year old and got it then with what i thought were quite good specs. However i just did a 3d mark test and got pathetic results? Can anyone have a look and try to give me tips as to how i can improve this? im sure my system should be getting better than those scores? My specs and scores are on the following link. thanks!

    I'm not a pc whizz kid but are you using the latest drivers for your graphics card etc.?


      That is probably about right no? I have a:

      Core Duo 2.13ghz
      2 GB RAM
      8800 gts 640mb

      and my scores are in the 8000-9000 mark.


        That does appear to be very low, I seem to remember getting around 6000 with my system which is about the same as yours but with a slow CPU.

        You got loads and loads of installed **** running in the background?

        Try creating a new user profile and running it from there.


          I think it is about right. I have a x1950pro which whoops your card and I get somewhere along the 4000 mark. 3dmark 06 is really tough on slighty older cards and older.


            the graphics card result wasnt too unexpected. But surely the CPU shouldnt be that bad? its a AMD dual core 3800? not that old? I havent got that much running in the background, just the usual anti virus, firewall, network etc? i have installed all the latest nvidia drivers? what about a BIOS update? would that make a difference?

            Boris, do u mean creating a new XP profile?


              Apparently the CPU doesn't have too much of an effect on your score to say briefly, since it's a 3d test.. I also have a cracking CPU (core 2 duo e6600) and I still can't break any more than the 4000 mark. As within my experience updating drivers will usually only score you an extra 100 or so points at best. The best test to do is to try out a fairly new game you like and see how well it runs. If it runs well you know your system is fine. I suppose everyone likes to have a go at 3dmark but I think after seeing your own score it's normal to think something is up...
              Last edited by Supergoal; 26-03-2007, 00:22.


                ah I've found the 3dmark thread, your score is about the same as mine


                  ur right supergoal. im gonna forget 3dmark. im happy with how my rig is playin my games at the moment. who cares what scores im getting!!


                    yeh wouldnt put to much into 3dmark scores

                    from what i can gather nvidia/ati try to optimise there drivers for 3dmark so really doesnt give a real world score

