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Nintendo Customer Services, what is going on!

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    Nintendo Customer Services, what is going on!

    Ok so i recently bought a Wii off Superfami on here, its perfect and all that, however when i went to connect to the internet, low and behold, 'parental controls'. Ok i thought, there must be an easy way around this so while SF is asking his friend if he knows the code i looked in the manual two days prior to find the nintendo customer services numebr. Now not only do they not operate on weekends but close at 7pm 'sharp' on weekdays too, now if SF cannot get the pin i might be a bit screwed, as i never get back from work til around 7pm and when i have asked family members to phone all they have recieved is a boring guys voice and being hung up on after 'x' amount of time.

    This has left me extremely annoyed with nintendo, so far they have also not responded to emails, so what i was wondering was, is there some other number i can phone, email i will get a response from or a way around this problem altogether?

    Andf then the other point to the thread, what has happened to Nintendo? I used to remember getting perfect customer service back in the day Even just after the launch of the 64.

    Which number are you phoning?
    No idea if this still works, but: 02380 623200 - that's where I ordered my UK GC PSU from.


      I am phoning the number which it tells you to which is: 0870 6060 247

      I shall give that number a go (you posted) tommorow now, see if i can get anything from that.



        Looks like you can enter the answer to a secret question to retrieve a lost pin. Hopefully this'll help if SF's friend can't remember the pin!


          Yep hopefully that or the pin will be found, but the point i am making in this thread is what if its not and i coudlnt get through, charlesr has pointed out one number to phone if it all goes wrong, i just cannot belive how bad it is, and how understaffed it must be.

          Thanks for trying t help though

          Hopfully it will not come to this anyway and all will be found, but it has shown me in the future, and espeically if this does not egt resolved that i shouldnt be expecting help anytime soon for any similar issues i take up with Nintendo.

