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XBOX1 Wireless - who, what, where?

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    XBOX1 Wireless - who, what, where?

    I've just picked up a 2nd original XBOX and softmodded it for the bedroom.

    I don't want to run an ethernet cable up there and I don't have a free port on my router, it's got to be wireless.

    But I'm stumped on how to make the original XBOX wireless - I've done some searches but nearly everything is 360 now or out of date/stock.

    So what is the best option for me? I aleady have my home network set up with wireless etc, it's just an actual device or something I need to make the original XBOX wireless.

    Thanks for the help

    You need something called a wireless ethernet bridge I do believe, this will connect to the back of the xbox and let your console connect to your wireless network.


      I have one im going to sell shortly mate. Its called a Linksys gaming adapter.

      Have a google for it. Want to check it works first.


        Thanks lads,

        I've found what I think you are talking about.

        Seems to be quite a few reasonably prices on FLEABAY.

        But obviously, Nick, if you're selling...I'm listening...

