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2x DVI into 1x DVI socket, best solution?

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    2x DVI into 1x DVI socket, best solution?

    I've got 2x DVI devices that I want to hook up to my TV but it only has 1x input. What's the best solution for this without losing image quality? Or am I better just switching them over when necessary.

    Better off searching for a good DVI hub, if you change input often you'll end up in screwing the TV port itself, this will surely be more expensive than buying a good hub.


      Not sure how much a DVI hub is, you could use a HDMI switch and DVI-HDMI cables.

      I use the above for HDMI and it's perfect lossless.
      You can't really 'loose quality' with a digital signal, but you can have the signal break up if it struggles to maintain a decent connection. I've had no problems at all with the above though.


        Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
        Not sure how much a DVI hub is,
        DVI hub = device with more than one DVI inputs and one output.
        BTW, the switch you posted has HDMI inputs, he would need to buy DVI to HDMI converters for each device and the TV, if it doesn't have HDMI input. BTW, I've found this :

        they also offer 4-way DVI hubs and the sound pretty good.


          Which is why I said he needed to use DVI-HDMI cables :P The advantage is it's £30 as opposed to $299.

          But get whichever you feel does the job.


            Ah, yes, sorry, wasn't paying enough attention :P


              I've just ordered a 2 into 1 DVI switcher from Ebay for a mate. It should be here in the morning. I'll let you know how he gets on with it.


                Wow that switches coaxial too, I might have to get one if I ever get an X-Meridian.

