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GoblinMembership Question

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    GoblinMembership Question

    I have just paid my ?20 for a years membership, and I am just wondering if anybody knows how long it will be before the site realises that I have done so, as it still has the higher prices at checkout and the adverts for the membership even after logging in again.

    Mine was instant !

    Id contact them to check it went thru ok.


      Originally posted by Shimmyhill
      Mine was instant !

      Id contact them to check it went thru ok.
      Checked about 20mins ago and it was finally activated .

      SW:KOTOR orderd


        what are peoples collective opinons on goblindirect? is it worth me signing up and doing all my gamecube preorders thro them? they seem to be cheap when you are a member but do they get the goods to you quickly after release date? do they always stock all the games you want in both jap and usa?

        I spoke to them on the phone and they said if i made 10 preorders that i would have to pay for them ALL up front, the worst part was that they use WorldPay as their billing merchant and they didn't know that they offer a service called FuturePay which can take the payment on an agreed date for things like preorders..... ok I am a bit in the know as I am the webmaster for WorldPay!! I did tip them off so hopefully they'll get on the ball like GamesPlanet

        I have F-zero on a play-asia preorder but after that I am thinking about moving all my preorders to Goblin as I can actually call them if I have a problem, playasia for all their cheap prices and fast delivery DO NOT answer emails when you have a problem (like eBay!) which bites big-time!


          Up until about Christmas I could have thought of nothing bad to say about Goblin. But I used them twice since then and have decided never again. For example (and this is what pissed me off, really pissed me off):

          Despite being 'In Stock' DOA XBV took, as I recall, about 8 weeks to arrive. I actually ended up ordering it from Tronix and getting it within a week and paying no (or very little more) than I paid Goblin. And that includes delivery. Oh and they never once answered my emails when trying to find out where my order was. And when I got hold of them on the phone they said they were getting more stock in a day or two and it would go out then; it still took weeks and weeks to arrive.


            Originally posted by AllYourBase
            what are peoples collective opinons on goblindirect? is it worth me signing up and doing all my gamecube preorders thro them? they seem to be cheap when you are a member but do they get the goods to you quickly after release date? do they always stock all the games you want in both jap and usa?
            personally i've never thought goblin were "great" - just okay, however i signed up for the membership deal, but since doing so i regreted it, like Ish, i've had 2 bad experiences, very recently. Long waits for games, ended up cancelling the second one after 2 weeks waiting for it (from the US release date) - got said game from Tronix instead - arrived in 3 days.
            There's a few others that aint best pleased too, there was a thread about this just the other day.....
            Anyway in answer to ya question, Goblin were fine, but recently have been crap, so as things stand i'd save yaself the ?20 and any hastle that may come from waiting, and waiting.........

            On the other hand their game prices are cheap (if your a member), and perhaps its down to luck of the draw in receiving games as to how early you pre-order them. who knows, and tbh i don't care - i think i'll put it down to experience, forget the ?20 wasted and give em a wide berth - certainly for the time being.....


              Originally posted by YOUWIN
              perhaps its down to luck of the draw in receiving games as to how early you pre-order them. who knows, and tbh i don't care - i think i'll put it down to experience, forget the ?20 wasted and give em a wide berth - certainly for the time being.....
              I am not convinced at all. As bad as play-asia's customer support is they have been consistanty good on delivery and price. The goods are always packaged in a way that gets by customs to avoid tax also.

              BUT Tronix intrigue me, what is their URL?


                Been using them since they first started up and haven`t had a problem with them at all. Titles Usually arrived within a couple of days for me.


                  Tronixweb and a few other sites are linked on the front page of NTSC-UK



                    thats strange i've used goblin quite alot and never had any problems with them.

                    if you've got a credit card then just use tronixweb.

                    goblin may be slow but aint it run by like three people or something ?


                      I've use Goblin a lot but never had any problems until recently when they didn't reply to any of my emails about an order. I then sent a cancellation email and the cancellation was done very quickly. So swings and roundabouts really. If you go for big name Jap or US games, then you probably wont ever have a problem and the new members jap prices are dead cheap. If you go for some obscure game that no one else orders, then you will probably wait for ever. For those, it's best to ring up to see if they are in stock or are ever going to be.


                        Hello, I am new

                        I emailed and phoned Goblin when I was looking to buy a Japanese PS2, and could get no response at all.

                        Furthermore the search functions on their website are faulty, which doesn't inspire confidence.

