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import RPG

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    import RPG


    ive never been into RPG's but Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic looks ok, the only thing im worried about is that crappy turn based fighting, do you get any of that with this game?

    other than that can you recomend a good RPG that has real time battles rather than slow as hell turn based crap.


    You should find all the info on the new Star Wars game you need here. I'm excited about it, and I don't like traditional RPGs either ^_^

    Can't really answer your other questions, although Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube is realtime, with the stats in the background (as I understand it). You might also like things like Tactics Ogre and Final Fight Tactics. I'm sure people on here can describe them to you better than I can.

    Welcome to the forums btw.

    [pimp]Check out my reviews as well. They rule! :P[/pimp]


      Originally posted by gooner
      other than that can you recomend a good RPG that has real time battles rather than slow as hell turn based crap.
      Probably very obvious but you could check out the Shenmue series.


        And even more obvious, Zelda.


          ive completed both shenmue 1 and 2, both cool games. are they RPG then? i thought they where just adventure games.

          dont know about zelda, ive never enjoyed a zelda game, but as far as they go the latest one looks good.


            Depends on how you define RPG then, really. If you want everything an RPG gives you (wandering maps, side quests, talking to villagers etc.), then there are very few to my knowledge that switch to a standard battle system when in combat. Zelda is really the closest thing you'll get to a 'proper' RPG with realtime combat.

            The only thing I've played other than that that fits the bill is Vermillion on the Megadrive. Can any RPG heads find gooner here a game like that?


              Seiken Densetsu (Legend of Mana etc) is very much like that if I remember correctly, with a new version coming out on the GBA very soon.

              Again though, they are snes games...


                Well if you dont mind playing retro titles you could go for Elite. That is real time and I would class it as an RPG.

                Isnt Morrowind (Xbox) also realtime?


                  I dont have a GBA mate, i have a DC, XBOX,Gamecube and im thinking of getting a ps2 for metal slug 3 and initial d though

                  What format was elite on mate? also marrowing could be a good idea if the battles arent too boring.

                  what are the lord of the ring titles like on the xbox?


                    Elite has been on practically every old format going. I had the NES version.

                    The LOTR games are not RPG's.


                      Chrono Trigger. And yes, no random battles, enemies appear on screen and the battles are partly real time in nature depending on which option you choose at the beginning of the game (either time-based so it's your turn then the enemies turn, or attack at will and you can be attacked during your turn).

                      Also, as Treble suggested earlier, Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics are well worth getting, but only if your into strategy-based RPGs. Although both games are alot more user friendly than most games in the hybrid, so, even if your remotely a fan of the genre they're still great games to play .


                        How about Grandia ?

                        Yes, it has turn-based battles ... but the system is set up for speed, making for very quick, enjoyable encounters ~



                          More suggestions:
                          Lost Kingdoms 1/2
                          Tales of Destiny 1/2
                          Star Ocean 2
                          Brave Fencer Musashi


                            Valkyrie Profile [USA/PSone]

                            I find this to be good, although the game is kind of linear in respect it guides you to the end, and there is not as much free roaming associated with RPG's. Pretty fun combat system though, where you have to time button presses to get a great combo.

                            Vagrant Story [USA/PSone]

                            A very love-hate game this. While on the surface its an action type semi realtime RPG, it doesn't have the usual traversing new towns, meeting new people to gather information, buying stuff at shops, which is not present. A very isolated type of RPG.


                              how about animal crossing...

                              very relaxing game.

