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Uh oh! Xbox woe!

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    Uh oh! Xbox woe!

    K I've done something quite retarded.
    Bruck up my xbox in the stupidest way ever.

    I was trimming my Evox file (as you do)
    And saved it. My Xbox doesn't like default FTP settings.
    I normally just delete them out and it works fine.
    But somehow it reverted back to the original settings.
    So I was left with no FTP access.

    Simple, no problem, just run Boxplorer and rename a backup evox.ini file.
    Well, heh. I had a couple. I decided to use my EX3.ini.
    So I run boxplorer, and rename Evox.ini to EX2.ini.
    Screen comes up to press start, L and R.
    I (out of habit) press Start, L, R and BACK!!!!
    This has the effect of renaming the file and RESETTING the box!!!

    So I'm left with EX2.ini and EX3.ini sitting there.
    My Evox reverts back to basically nothing.
    No FTP access either.

    So I thought "k, I'll burn a boxplorer ISO and try again"
    ISO is promptly burned. Pop it in and boot up.
    Oddly the Evox loading screen comes up.
    Then I notice the spinning Evox logo keeps fading in and out.
    So my Xbox is switching between the loading screen and Evox front end.
    Without actually booting my disc!!!

    So two questions!
    Is there something I can do to get my discs to boot properly?
    That'd be the simplest solution.

    Can I modify the Hard Disc outside of the Xbox?
    Will it work in my PC at all, I've heard about Slayers or something
    but I don't know much about that, just that people with new HDs use it.
    Does it do a clean reinstall of everything supposed to be on the Xbox HD?
    If so where can I get it? Is it a huge download? I'm only on dial up

    Thanks for any help. This is severely annoying.

    Slayers is a 100mb download - and if your xbox won't boot a disc then its going to be no good to you

    only thing i can think of is either find out the reformat code for your xbox (i think its a button combination and it should reset the xbox to factory status) or find a way to ftp into your xbox (have you tried all the ftp programs?). not sure why the xbox doesn't like the default ftp settings - what is it failing on?



      Default settings set the xbox IP to
      odd :/

      The button combo sounds interesting.


        Just checked, it's booting games okay.
        Maybe something with the boxplorer disc :/.


          I too b0rked my xbox evox a while back. Here's how I got back in.

          If you have a CDR drive, you can just sling a customised EVOX with whatever IP addi you want onto a CDRW in GDF format (xbox disc format). That will boot straight up to an EVOX dash from the disc and you can FTP to the console and fix everything.

          You just need to put all the EVOX files along with the evox.ini in a folder on your pc and turn it into an xbox iso with sommat like GDFIMAGE or XISO.



            It was a borked cdrw of all things.
            Had me freaking out that my Xbox wouldn't boot any homebrew stuff ever again!

            Thanks for all the helpage

