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I am a new XBoxer

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    I am a new XBoxer

    Hey everyone,

    I am new to Xbox, just got it last month.

    I would love to know all the things we can do with our Xbox, I have heard of Media player, playing all regiod DVDs,, and even use Linux?!!! wow. But I am just an ordinary guy with no tech knowledge. Can someone suggest em any sites which will INTRODUCE me to all these secrets GRADUALLY but SEQUENTIALLY. Or maye some artciels

    I am kinda bored these holidays and my friends have gone back to their country. It would be really nice to read and enlighten myself,....

    and yeah... I can't wait for these games

    1. Halo 2
    2. Half-life 2
    3. Max Payne 2
    4. Starcraft:Ghost
    5. Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel

    bye ([email protected])

    Check out


      Originally posted by MikeF
      I second that. Their tutorials are excellent. Basically teaches you everything about the xbrick's unofficial uses.


        Make sure that you read thier forums as werll as thier FAQs. They are all really helpful!

        There are also loads of really helpful threads in this forum... I suggest that you do a search!

