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Surround Sound Headphones / Dolby Headphones

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    Surround Sound Headphones / Dolby Headphones

    Off-topic or Console Section? Given that it comes from a PSP-related question, I'll pop it here.

    I got Monster Hunter for PSP (I don't get it at all, seems rubbish to me and will be going back on friday for Loco Roco) and at the start it has a Dolby fancy surround logo thing. So, what's the deal with this? Is it for people with 5.1 ears? I only have two so how does this work?

    Is it just like the 'surround' option on some of the DS games where it pushes the sound to the extremes of the left and right channel or is it actually something I should be thinking of getting? Anyone tried them?

    Dolby Headphone is similar to DS headphone modes in that it approximates surround sound with two speakers. Obviously not as good as an actual 5.1 setup but if you've got decent headphones (it doesn't need any special kit) it's worth a look. Lots of information on the Dolby site here.


      Ah, okay. Thanks for that. I thought it needed special Dolby headphones and thought they might actually have something crazy like 2 seperate speakers in each ear.


        You've only got 2 holes for the sound to go in. In theory, you should be able to fool your brain into thinking you've got surround, when in fact you just have headphones.


          How's this for 2 channel goodness? Use headphones/earphones.


            WO! I just played that on a pair of Zennheiser HD555`s ir realy sounds like the match box is going around behind you, the best effect is the sound going up and down on each side. If it sounds that good on stereo phones the 5.1 ones must be amazing. Thanks for sharing


              Just wondered if anyone has a pair of the Creative HQ2300D Headphones, designed for use in the home, sound great, sure they can be found cheaper elsewhere.

              The Creative HQ-2300D Headphones comprise a pair of high-quality headphones plus a palm-sized portable decoder, which includes Dolby Headphone technology. This allows you to listen to music, watch movies, or play video games with the dramatic surround effects of a 5.1-channel soundtrack through your headphones. Amazing!


                Originally posted by wush
                How's this for 2 channel goodness? Use headphones/earphones.

                that mp3 is scarily amazing ...



                  Originally posted by huxley
                  WO! I just played that on a pair of Zennheiser HD555`s ir realy sounds like the match box is going around behind you, the best effect is the sound going up and down on each side. If it sounds that good on stereo phones the 5.1 ones must be amazing. Thanks for sharing
                  That is what the headphone decoders do a to a surround sound source, it applies the sound filter to each of the 5 channels so your brain thinks that it is coming from another direction.

                  That example is particuarly goo, I think the effects must of been cranked up uper high as there seemed to be alot of hissing.
                  You don't need an kind of special headphones, just the decoder.

                  I think that the pearl harbour dvd actually has a dolby headphone track.
                  for another example listen to this
                  Last edited by EvilBoris; 08-09-2006, 17:28.


                    That matchbox recording is made using a dummy head/ears with a microphone embedded in each side. No effects! Stereo 4 lyfe!


                      Ah but you have actually created some of the correct frequencies which is why it has recorded with such surround coolness.

                      Damn you for tricking me


                        Hehe, it is amazing what can be done. I'll hand you over to some strange Germans for another one (you must use stereo headphones with any software surround effects turned off)

                        Last edited by SubparMario; 09-09-2006, 21:11.


                          5.1 Headphones. Anyone have experience of them?

                          I've decided it's time to upgrade my cans. Has anyone had experience of 5.1 headphones before for use on consoles? Do they work effectively? Are the ones above okay?

                          Answers appreciated.


                            I have a pair that I sometimes use on the pc - not too impressed with them tbh.


                              I had the Medusa ones. They seemed OK (like John I only ever used them for PC gaming but imagine it would be much the same) but the bass and volume level on the Medusa was ludicrously high and very dangerous.

                              I'm pretty sure I destroyed part of my hearing over the short time that I used them.


