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Missing pictures on a website

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    Missing pictures on a website

    Hi, after coming here for some help about a year ago with a website for one badminton club, I'm back again with new problems with the site for my new club. I guess I'll have to post a link so people can try to figure out what's wrong, but please don't laugh! (at the quality of the site or at the name)

    Anyway, one problem is that although myself and two others I've asked can see the site fine, when my girlfriend tries at work she gets no pictures, just the box with a red x in. If she pastes in the location of one she just gets an awardspace page, as if she'd gone somewhere that doesn't exist. Any ideas why?

    Secondly, and this is the same problem as last time, I've got favicon.ico on there, I've got the right code to make it appear (I think?) but it's not doing...why?!

    Not sure about the pics, but the favicon is not well supported in IE6.


      I'm using firefox and it works fine on my other website which is where I initially copied the code from (with the necessary changes). I've also tried googling for help, and I think I'm doing everything I should be...


        Pictures work fine for me via Firefox.


          thanks, the pictures seem to work just fine for everyone except my girlfriend at work, just wondering if there was a reason anyone could see in case it affected anyone else. She can see pictures on my other website, which is hosted in exactly the same way, so it's not a case of work blocking them...


            First of all I wondered if it is because it might have the word cock in the title, but no it doesn't. Maybe the word BIG sets off a firewall or something :P

            It could be because the image is HUGE, you should resize it in photoshop or something then use that image in your site.


              Favicon you can try the following:
              <link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico" />
              <link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico" />
              <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="path/to/nice_favicon.png" />
              Make sure your favicon is actually an icon in .ico format too, not just a renamed .gif or something (see here for Photoshop plugin).

              Also agree with Boris, you should manually resize the image rather than resize using HTML. Downloading a 1600x1200 image maybe just causing a timeout in your girlfriends browser or something.

              Both favicon and image works for me btw in Firefox 2 and Safari 3 on Mac.


                Thanks for the replies.
                I managed to fix the favicon thing sometime on Friday, though I don't know how. I tried making a different icon from scratch, and I thought I uploaded that over the original, along with adding something else to the html, can't remember what. Anyway, that somehow made the original favicon start working - no idea how but I don't really care!

                Re: the picture, yeah the first one needs resizing, I've been too lazy to do it so far. However, the others on the site aren't all that size and yet they still don't work, so I'm still a bit puzzled with that. They seem to work for everyone else though, so it's not a big deal...
                thanks again for trying to help though!


                  If you could get her to try putting the URL of one of the pictures directly into her browser, you'd possibly get an error message that'd explain why it's not loading.


                    I did, and she just got the standard awardspace page, like if you go to


                      Sorry, missed that bit in the first post.

                      It's probably incorrect referrer information then. I've just turned referrer logging off in Opera and I don't get the images on the site. Your host is probably blocking requests that don't include the right referrer, in order to stop other sites linking to your images. I guess, for some reason, either her browser or something with the way her work's network is set up is stripping the referrer information out of the http requests.


                        Wouldn't that be the same for my other website then? It's hosted in exactly the same way - 1and1 to register the domain and awardspace to host, and that works fine for her...


                          Depends. It might be a per-site setting, possibly? If it's an Apache server, you can set it in the .htaccess file for the site if you have access to that. It's definitely the case that I get images with referrer info on and don't get them with it off, anyway.


                            Might be worth checking the web server logs too just to see if her session is requesting the images. I reckon it could be faulty browser though, maybe from previously being hijacked/spyware or whatever.


                              All interesting stuff, though a bit techy for me to fix what's really a minor problem! As long as everyone else can see the page that's what matters really, was just curious really, and wondering if I'd missed something obvious. Thanks again for all the help!

