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Online Compatibility of PS3 Games

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    Online Compatibility of PS3 Games

    OK, so we know that PS3 games are all region-free, but it seems that doesn't necessarily extend to the online functions in them (I believe JPN Motorstorm owners cannot play against people with the PAL game for example, even with the downloadable update)

    Beyond that, concrete info for each game seems a little uncertain, or at least buried in various threads scattered through the forum so I thought it would be nice to have a confirmed list in one handy thread as I don't think there's an existing one.

    So, please state your findings - Which games have completely universal online functions and what are the ones that restrict you to certain servers that match the region of the game? console? (or both?).

    I'll update this post with the results. Here's one I know to kick things off.

    [b][color=blue]Game[/color][/b] [COLOR=SILVER]---------------------- [/COLOR][b][color=blue]Version[/color][/b] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [color=blue][b]JPN[/b][/color][b][/b] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [b][color=blue]USA[/color][/b] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [b][color=blue]PAL[/color][/b]
    [B]NBA 2K7[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]---------------------[/COLOR] USA [COLOR=SILVER]----[/color] [b]???[/b] [color=silver]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B]
    [B]RIDGE RACER 7[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]---------------[/COLOR] JPN [COLOR=SILVER]----[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B]
    [B]RIDGE RACER 7[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]---------------[/COLOR] USA [COLOR=SILVER]----[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B]
    [B]RIDGE RACER 7[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]---------------[/COLOR] PAL [COLOR=SILVER]----[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B] [COLOR=SILVER]--[/COLOR] [B]Yes[/B]
    Yes = You can play against people with that version of the game. NO means you can't.

    Also, please state whether any updates need to be downloaded before online modes are available and I'll include that info as well. TIA
    Last edited by Kubrick; 20-08-2007, 16:41.

    NBA2K7 USA N/A Yes Yes

