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Surround Sound Speakers

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    Surround Sound Speakers

    I picked myself up a nice Samsung LCD TV to play my 360 and PS3 on but now i need some nice surround sound speakers to get the best out of the sound.

    I have no idea what names are for anything but I have my PS3 plugged in Via HDMI and my 360 via the 6 different coloured leads.

    I dont have lot of room and dont really want to be attaching anything to the walls.

    Wireless if its any good would be awsome. I have an optical out (doesnt optical have a sound delay?) on the back of my TV and a normal what looks like a earphone jack. When i looked around all speakers seem to come with a DVD player which im not interested in i just want sound.

    Although im not sure how i would set this up with the PS3 running via hdmi?

    Cheers for the help in advance

    Do you have a budget? These are what I use for PS3 and 360:

    They are pricey but you get what you pay for, think you could get earlier models for a bit less though. Quality of playback on these however is flawless through optical.

    If you don't want to connect speakers to your walls though that might be a problem if you want proper surround sound.


      Nice, sry should have mentioned didnt want to go over the 200 notes mark so they are perfect.

      Hmmm, wounder if i could get stands for them.

      Is there not delay for TV, PS3 or 360 via optical?


        Not that I've noticed. If there is one it's incredibly subtle.

        Oh, and a little warning - the subwoofer is HUGE. Make sure you have the floor space for it.


          cheers dara


            The optical out from the TV itself won't send 5.1 from the 360, since your connecting it via Component.

            Your best bet is to get this optical switcher , and connect the 360 and PS3 directly to the speakers via optical. It's a 3 port switcher, so you'll be able to connect your TV too, and since it's digital, there's no quality loss.

            Remember to get some optical cables too, from the same site. About 3 or 4 quid each.

            I have those same speakers btw, love them, great for gaming. Also has a Coaxial port if you ever wanted to connect a DVD player, and 5.1 analogue connectors for using a PC (which you can also use as 3 separate 2.0 sockets for stuff like the Wii).

