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Where does XP keep its passwords?

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    Where does XP keep its passwords?

    After having a bit of a 'security' issue at work, I've changed most of my online passwords and disabled the window that asks you if you want to save the password. But there still might be a few I've missed along the way. Anyone know where XP keeps those online predictive passwords so I can just delete them?


    Those kinds of passwords are stored in Internet Explorer. Depending on if you're using IE6 or IE7, they're in different places. But they're off Tools -> Internet Options -> Content. In IE 7 theres your option to re-enable password saving, it also tells you where you can go to delete the passwords you've already saved.

    Unfortunately that'll delete all your passwords, rather than being able to delete them one at a time.

    I don't know if anyone knows of any utility to let you delete them on a site by site basis...


      Thanks Debug. I just went ahead and deleted the lot. Just a bit safer that way. Thanks for the help.


        Originally posted by debug77 View Post
        I don't know if anyone knows of any utility to let you delete them on a site by site basis...

        control keymgr.dll

        into the 'Run' box.

