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Question for people who know about X2.2 Pro

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    Question for people who know about X2.2 Pro

    I need a wee bit of help. I recently bought a pre-modded xbox wiith xectuer 2.2 pro. However, whenever I run a game from any of the emulator's (snes, megadrive, whatever) the music either runs fast or it's really crackly (or both). What could be causing this? Any ideas would be much appreciated as it is currently taking a lot of the pleasure from owning one of these away.


    Presume that its just the emulators thats causing problems and nothing else. If so I wouldn't think it will be anything regarding the chip.

    What emulators are you running? It's possible you have early builds that do not have full audio support I suppose, but this also seems unlikely if you are experiencing problems using several emulators and not just one.

    Could you provide a little more info i.e. names of Emus, specific games you are trying to run, any other problems encountered?


      Fei Fong Wong, thanks for replying. I would have seen it earlier, but I have had a busy day. I'm pretty new to all this modding culture and I don't know too much about it. I bought my machine from the forums here and it has a lot of stuff on it already. If I boot into the evox dashboard and choose the emulators I get.

      arcade classics (which is mame)
      original DOOM

      The snes one, when loaded, shows xsnes9x 1.39mk39 v1.04 at the top and then a list of folders underneath, which of course have games in. Regardless of what I choose they all have the same sound issues. The sound 'effect's are fine, but the music will run fast or it crackles (or both). The nes and megadrive emulators don't appear to have any easily findable names or version numbers. But the emulator has a bright white screen, with nearly white text (making it quite hard to read) and a list of option (Game Launcher, Emulator Settings etc) Do you know what this emulator is called? Again, regardless of what game I select I get the same sound issues. The Mame version is v0.70.3b. There are a shed loads of games in the list here, some won't boot at all (it goes to a black screen) and the ones that do boot have the same issues with the sound. N64 emulator is the same again. The original DOOM emulator just goes to a black screen (but with sound). Does this information shed any light on things?

