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    I've got the old Namco Tekken 3 sticks which I'm now using for VF4 evo, and I find them very slow. Evading is +-impossible unless its totally premeditated. Is this because I am ****, or because the sticks aren't lose enough? I don't wont to buy VF4 sticks if it's just me who is crap.


    This will give you an idea about what sticks to buy and how they might relate to yours current ones.


      I think I'm using using what you refer to as the Tekken 3 stick. Is it the yellow and black one (if so it actually came out a long time before Tekken 3.)

      Personally I find the stick absolutely flawless. Certainly no problems with evading and even the more dextourous moves such as Akira's Dragon Lance which I find impossible on a bad stick, is really easy.


        Cheers for that. I tihnk we are talking about the same stick, which means it's probably more to do with me.

        Don't know if any of you played games like quake 3, but am I write in thinking that evading is similar to those situations when someone is shooting you from behind, and you can just flick around and instantly nail them with the railgun, without even aiming? Some kind of intuitiveness.


          If you mistime your evade then you don't move very much to the side of your opponent and they can readjust their attack and still hit you. For the ultimate evade it needs to be timed so you evade just as the opponent is performning a move.

          When you time it right the radius on your evade is much higher leaving your opponents side, or even back, vulnerable to counter attack.


            Originally posted by vulvair
            Cheers for that. I tihnk we are talking about the same stick, which means it's probably more to do with me.

            Don't know if any of you played games like quake 3, but am I write in thinking that evading is similar to those situations when someone is shooting you from behind, and you can just flick around and instantly nail them with the railgun, without even aiming? Some kind of intuitiveness.
            You set up evades in advance - I usually put an evade and throw escape in after every attack. For example I would throw a fake uppercut with Akira (fake meaning I know it will be blocked) evade and throw escape are performed as the uppercut animation happens. VF4e is all about setting up attacks 3, or 4 moves ahead of yourself. Even simple attacks like 2+P can go: 2+P, 8, 3346P - all while the first 2+P extends.


              The main problem I'm having is that if I nudge the stick up/down in my normal grip (I have my hand on topp of the stick, not curled underneath), I have to manually bring it back to neutral to make the evade, I tihnk I'm too rigid, so the stick can't switch back to neutral by itself.

              I seem to remember that the stick in the arcade Vf4 evo had more travel, so it was easier to get the stick to revert to neutral on its own.


                Use your thumb and index/middle finger to move the stick - you cant get precise, fast commands using your whole hand.

                4 6

                A good way to think about it is:

                4 = thumb

                6 = index/middle finger


                  The way you guys talk about this game makes me realise how this game is such a completely different paradigm to the fighters I'm used to (KoF, SF).


                    Originally posted by Saurian
                    Use your thumb and index/middle finger to move the stick - you cant get precise, fast commands using your whole hand.

                    4 6

                    A good way to think about it is:

                    4 = thumb

                    6 = index/middle finger
                    Is that with the fingers curled underneath the ball or ontop?

                    Saurian: Off topic, I have a pal N64 and Saturn, can you region free mod these, or know where I can get this done in London?


                      You dont wrap your hand/fingers round the ball at all - just rest your fingers around it. Rather than moving your whole hand/arm you just use your fingers and thumb.

                      I can do a region mod for a Saturn for ?25 - PAL N64 region mod is not a good idea as you need components from an NTSC motherboard and it's not worth sacrificing one for a PAL machine, may as well get an NTSC model.


                        Wicked, where abouts are you based in London, I could drop it off to you or meet you in town somehwre. I live in Whitechapel, and sometimes am in Finchley when at my parents.


                          Tired out your 'stick-strategies', really makes a difference, I find myself making much less curly movements, and more importantly can now evade by tapping, cheers.

