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Metroid Prime VS Halo

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    Metroid Prime VS Halo

    I have never played a FPS all the way through. It's time that I did but only want to play one. Should it be Metroid prime or Halo? Both got great scores. The place I was reading gave Metroid Prime 0.1 higher than Halo but that's not really a big difference. Anyone who has played these games please let me know your thoughts.

    This isn't really a fair comparison as Metroid is more of a platform/adventure game forced into an FPS style perspective whereas Halo is a proper FPS with some vehicle driving thrown in.
    However having played through and completed both I'd plump for Halo - once you've completed Metroid there's very little replay value but I'm still playing Halo on and off now and I've had it for aaaages!


      (Dies of shock that someone hasn't tried either Halo nor MP)

      Definately play them both. Although they are both first person, they are both quite different from one another.

      The best two games of the last five years by quite a margin imo.


        I have played them both a bit. I just never got past level one on each! Personally I find them to hard to control with a control pad. I like using the PC, mouse and keyboard. I find aiming with a control pad quite hard and frustrating. I would have thought I should have got used to it by now but just can't. That's why I want to play one of these games all the way until I complete it. Then I should have got the hang of it!!

        I've got a friend who thinks Halo is the best game ever in the world etc etc. When I had a go on his I found it to be quite slow. For example to get from where you are stood to the big rock in the distance seems to take forever. Is there a run button that I don't know about?

        I really want to get into Halo as everyone else in the world seems to be!!


          [pimp]I suggest you read my Metroid Prime review. It's the best one I've read [/pimp]

          A) Buy both
          B) No, there is no run button as you are already running. Running in Halo is realistic. There are rarely any large tracts of land you need to cross that don't get broken-up by a firefight.


            Agreed you really need to play them both but if yr going strictly for that fps experience (MP is more a fpa(dventure)) it should really be Halo imo.

            If yr having problems with the speed of the controls you can turn up the sensitivity in the options, makes all the difference. Also the 1st level of Halo is just a training run to get you used to the controls, you have to at least play through the 2nd level, that is when you begin to realise how special it is.


