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T-Mobile 'Web 'n Walk' Mobile Broadband

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    I think I'm going to rescind my recommendations from before. In the first few months of use (now on a dongle rather than using my phone) I was getting a good connection (not sure of the speed) but for the past few weeks I've been suffering constant drop out and inability to connect, even when the dongle indicates I have a full strength HSDPA signal. I also had problems when the dongle first arrived getting it activated and the software caused constant BSoD on my netbook.

    Been running tests today and have been getting between 0.03Mbps (just now) and 0.35Mbps (earlier in the day), I'll keep updating this as I do more tests.

    Don't know what has changed to make it go this way. I did (apparently) exceed my fair use in the past two months, although I'm dubious about this. It would be a shame if they're throttling my connection based on this. It could also be an increase in users in the area or some sort of interference.

    At the moment I would say don't get it unless you have no alternative (i.e. I live in a shared house and it suits my circumstances) or need access on the move (might not work anyway!/you could just use wi-fi), just get fixed line BB.

