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Halo (Legendary) Final Level

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    Halo (Legendary) Final Level


    i'm doing the final level in Halo where you have to drive the jeep. Now the problem is i keep dying on the really big jump, the one where Cortana says that we can make it if we are at top speed.

    Well i hit the jump, but always die on the landing. Its like the fall is too much for the character to take and i die when the jeep lands. Now, i've completed the game on the other difficulty settings so i know (or i think i know) that i am doing everything correctly.

    Finally, the question is:

    Will the game let me complete the Maw level on Legendary when i haven't completed all of the other levels on Legendary ? I have yet to complete the Library on Legendary. Is the game detecting this and stopping me from making the jump ??

    Nah I don't think so dude - are you sure you're hitting the jump ok ?? sometimes I remember the warthog landed funnily if I kept the accelorator on - it seems your landing speed may affect if you live or not.
    It took me ageeeeeeeeeeeeees to do that bit on legendary - although as I had completed the other levels I can't say for 100% that the game isn't playing funny.
    I'd be surprised tho


      That's what i thought, so i went off and looked up the FAQs to see what they said about completeing the jump on the last level and i seem to be doing everything ok. I shoudl point out i have tried quite a few times to complete the level. I have successfully made the jump on the other difficulty settings.

      Now, if you can complete the final level without doing the others on that difficulty level then you would be able to go through the game on "Easy" and just complete the last level on the harder difficulty settings to see the end credits. Most games put some sort of mechanism to prevent a user from doing this, now i can't honestly remember if Halo has some kind of level lock out, but i don't think it did.

      I was just interested to see if anyone else had experienced similar issues. Of course it could just be down to my crap driving.


        Try jumping out of the jeep just before (or just after) landing - that way you don't get caught up in it somersaulting all over the place. Then when it settles, jump back in it and continue.


          halo doesn't have any lock out on it you can complete the game any way and then replay any level you want on any difficulty


            I know what your talking about Photocopier, that jump is a weird one. It's a bit hard to jump out of the warthog before you have landed because of the height, you'll most probably die from that alone. Then there's the chance of the warthog hitting you, which can kill, or even the warthog flying off the otherside unmaned and then falling off the ledge to a place you can't reach. Try taking the jump at different speeds, go full throttle at it, then ease off the pedal a bit before the ramp. All you need is to get the warthog flat so when it lands you don't fall out.


              I only ever managed that jump the way it was meant to be taken once - the first time I ever did it. Nowadays every time I go for it I do what Loada suggested - much more reliable method than leaving your life in the incapable hands of the xbox ;-p

              What you want to do is leap out of the 'hog as late as possible. just before the nose hits the turf, mash that buttonand the 'Chief should pop out alongside the 'hog. do it late enough and he'll have more than enough momentum to carry him forwards even further, although you should have cleared the jump fairly comfortably by the time you even have to think about jumping. Then it's just a case of getting back in and off you go. Leave it late and you won't even lose your shield. Problem solved.

              At any rate, learning how to jump vehicles properly is a vital asset for multiplayer maps with vehicles, so it's worth learning - it's an excellent way to attack an opposing force with a great deal of firepower whilst bringing cover with you - just spin the 'hog, jump out late and let rip with whatever heavy armaments you have on you, using the 'hog (which should have spun in front of you) as cover (and hope that they all use ballistic ammo and no explosives ;D)

