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Best GC Lead for Import Cube...

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    Best GC Lead for Import Cube...

    Yeah, I know, for Picture quality it's the Saurian RGB Lead (modded)

    But I need a lead, where the sound can go straight to the AMP, via two phonos. And then for picture straight to the TV,
    Does the modded lead do this?

    Any help would be great.


    So I need best picture quality and best Sound quality!


    This may not help you (and is not answering the question you asked!), but if you want to get Pro Logic II from a Gamecube through an AMP you do not need to plug the phonos into the AMP directly from the GC.

    You can connect your TV up through the AMP (via the phono outs on the TV) and it will still do DPLII from this.

    It will also mean you dont have to change the input on the AMP everytime you switch from the TV to the GC.

    Apologies if you already knew all this!


      Another soloution is to get a SCART splitter box with it's own audio out - that way you can have all your consoles connected to your amp via 1 set of phonos and you can easily flick between SCARTs on the splitter.

      You dont have to connect directly between the Cube and amp.


        If you do get one of those Saurian leads ( I have one and they are A++++ quality) you can simply source the audio through your original AV out- just connect the audio leads to your amp from the AV out (the picture comes from the digital out). This should work out fine.

        Failing this buy yourself a scart switcher from argos (?9.99) and output the audio from that...sorted!


          That's the thing, My T is messed up and won't output DPLII, So I think i'm going to have to go directly to the amp from the GC.

          Hey Jcee, Cobra here! I'm not very, tecnically wise with these things. So what would I do with one of Saurians leads? Is it simply a Red, Yellow, white lead that goes into a scart box? But modded for a great picture?

          Would I then just put the Red and white lead straight into the amp? And just the yellow on in the scart block?



            007 you just need to get yourself a SCART splitter - and connect it to your amp via a set of phono cables. You dont have to connect straight from your Cube or TV.

            Is it simply a Red, Yellow, white lead that goes into a scart box? But modded for a great picture?
            RGB cables use a SCART connector not phono. The modded cable is a Japanese D Terminal cable modified to output RGB, an additional Nintendo AV cable is used to carry the sync and audio signals (also wired into the SCART plug)


              Here is a scart splitter box:

              You will need to get a SCART to SCART (wired for RGB) to connect this to your TV. Here is a decent one (although it is a little pricey):

              You will then need to get a pair of phonos to connect the scart box upto your AMP. This one looks ok (but is again a little pricey):

              Gotta love argos.


                Right, gotcha!

                Saurian, you ARE the man. 8)

                I've got a set of Phono Cables, I used to have them going from the TV to the amp. Sorted.

                CHeers man!


                  Originally posted by 007
                  Right, gotcha!

                  Saurian, you ARE the man. 8)

                  I've got a set of Phono Cables, I used to have them going from the TV to the amp. Sorted.

                  CHeers man!
                  Now then buddy

                  You've got to get one of those leads if you have an imported Cube- they are the d's b's. Plus it'll look great on your new fancy T.V.



                    Yeah. I have a Saurian modded RGB cable and I love it.

                    It gives better RGB than even a PAL cube through RGB, and miles better than composite.

                    Even since Saurian sent one my way I demand nothing less than RGB from every console I own (except for my N64.. which unfortunately I dont have modded).

                    (It is also nice to see another gamesradar forum poster here jcee)


                      Originally posted by rjpageuk
                      Yeah. I have a Saurian modded RGB cable and I love it.

                      It gives better RGB than even a PAL cube through RGB, and miles better than composite.

                      Even since Saurian sent one my way I demand nothing less than RGB from every console I own (except for my N64.. which unfortunately I dont have modded).
                      I agree 100% about that lead, it outputs such a vibrant and clear picture- tis a must for any console enthusiast (beats the shoddy PAL RGB official lead anyday!)

                      Originally posted by rjpageuk
                      It is also nice to see another gamesradar forum poster here jcee
                      Likewise , this place is really smart- i'll make it my second home if nobody minds...


                        It's like a mini GR meet up!

                        Right, I got one of those advanced scarts for my Xbox. And the picture and sound is now lovely!

                        So Xbox is now sorted.

                        Now then, the GC...

                        If I buy a Scart Splitter from Argos. It will support RGB, right? Will it support RGB on all of the Scart Blocks, or just one?

                        As the only one of the AV slots on the back of the TV supports RGB. I've got the Xbox in that one at the minute you see. If I had an import RGB lead. Would that AND the xbox lead be able to go into the Scart Splitter?

                        Oh yeah, by the way, I had a word with my mate from Hughes, and he said I need to go from the cube, straight to the Amp. Is there another way of doing this instead of getting the fancy RGB lead? Which i'll probbaly get anyway, but I was just wondering.



                          Oh definitely... get the Argos splitter we all pimp (the 3 block one with no built in lead, meaning you'll need a separate Scart2Scart to connect it to the TV) and all should be fine. All 3 blocks are RGB wired, and there's a button on there to select and deselect RGB support for them. Turning it on and off demonstrates quite easily the difference between RGB and composite

                          There are also audio ports off it, so I guess you could route the sound from the splitter to your stereo...
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            Originally posted by 007
                            It's like a mini GR meet up!

                            Right, I got one of those advanced scarts for my Xbox. And the picture and sound is now lovely!

                            So Xbox is now sorted.

                            Now then, the GC...

                            If I buy a Scart Splitter from Argos. It will support RGB, right? Will it support RGB on all of the Scart Blocks, or just one?

                            As the only one of the AV slots on the back of the TV supports RGB. I've got the Xbox in that one at the minute you see. If I had an import RGB lead. Would that AND the xbox lead be able to go into the Scart Splitter?

                            Oh yeah, by the way, I had a word with my mate from Hughes, and he said I need to go from the cube, straight to the Amp. Is there another way of doing this instead of getting the fancy RGB lead? Which i'll probbaly get anyway, but I was just wondering.

                            Right here's my setup:

                            U.S Cube with Saurian lead, Xbox with RGB scart, Dreamcast with RGB lead. ---> RGB signal and Audio ---> 3 Way scart splitter (all three plugs RGB)
                            Scart Splitter---(Visual Output)--->Scart lead into Scart socket one (RGB)
                            Scart Spiltter---(Audio Output)--->Phono leads (red / white) into amp.

                            Then all I have to do is switch my splitter to the relevant channel (A,B or C. A=Dreamcast, B= 'Box, C='Cube, clever eh?!) and I get premium picture and sound quality with minimum fuss.


                              Hey Jcee. Thanks for that! I think i'm propbably going to do that once I get myself a Modded RGB lead.

                              By the way, I GOT MY GC TO WORK! Wahoo

                              Sorry about that, but it was really getting me down I couldn't get DPLII.

                              But I got it to work! All I done, was I took the red and white leads out of the Scart Block going into the TV, so that only the yellow was left. Then I put them into the back of my amp under AUX. And now I get some bitch ass DPLII pumping out.

                              Oh yeah, by the way. How much is a DC RGB lead? I wouldn't mind one of those. And does the DC support DPLII or DTS or 5.1 or anything?

                              So now, i'm finally got my Xbox and GC to work. Now all I need is my DC and N64! Pitty I've got a PAL N64, as there is no RGB lead for that is there?

