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Identify a PSP game for me

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    Identify a PSP game for me

    Should have asked this in the forum quiz

    Doubt anyone will know it apart from maybe our Japan residents.

    Anyway it's a Japanese release & I guess some soft of flight type game, the box art is a picture showing a WWII Japanese aircraft probably a Zero coming head on with I think a blazing ship in the background.

    And that's all I have.

    If anyone could identify I'd appreciate it.

    This ?

    Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki Ni for Sony PSP「零式艦上戦闘記 弐」とは?リアルなディティールと操縦性、そして史実にあった戦史や作戦の他、 「ifの世界観」を楽しめたPSP(R)専用ソフト「零式艦上戦闘記 征空王」。 本作『零式艦上戦闘記 弐』はその続編として「戦闘機」「ミッション」を追加収録。 シューティングの爽快感と作戦を遂行Áる為の戦略性をパワーアップ


      No, but yes, but no, but yes, but...

      Thanks very much Mr Hollis, the artwork didn't ring a bell as I thought the aircraft was coming head on.
      Then realised - duh! The version you gave is 'ni' meaning two in Japanese.

      The first release is;

      Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki for Sony PSP第二次世界大戦の名機に搭乗し、実際にあった戦史に残る有名な作戦に参加して、戦い抜き、勝利し、歴史の“if(もしも)”を作る・・・。本作は、そんな “あの”の“if”のロマンを再現した歴史シューティングゲームでãã€‚零戦をはじめ、震電など幻の戦闘機や爆撃機まで、世界の名機全40機が続々ç»å ´ã€‚ゲームが進むと逆に敵軍のパイロットとして戦闘に参加ãã‚‹ã“とも可能でãã€‚

      And the one I originally saw.

      I'll try and get a copy of the second one somewhere, yesasia have one but unfortunatly it's double the price of play asia.

      Thanks again.

