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Rock Band drum pads

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    Rock Band drum pads

    So Rock Band is finally out in the UK this week, and I'm looking at getting some foam pads for the drums to lessen the noise from them, and perhaps extend the lifespan.

    Has anyone bought any that they would recommend? I've found this site who seem to be the main suppliers, and at ?15 including shipping from the States, I'm not sure I can go wrong.


    Cool, I was looking for these. Ordered a set so I'll let you know how they work



      I ordered a set from these guys:

      They have a range of different types on offer and go into specifics about which are best suited for which type of drums you have. I ordered the Micro Cellular Urethane type as my drum kit is an EL model... took about 8 business days to arrive and they are excellent quality.

      I got the vinyls on them as well for colour coding.


        Mine arrived today (from any doubt at all, they REALLY do work well! Sound is at least (at the very minimum) 80% quieter. It's almost at the point where it's even negligible, which is absolutely what I wanted. Yet sensitivity is exactly the same IMO, so there is no drawback at all. For the price, this is probably the best value mod available. So, so, impressed with the way they drown out all of the tap-tap-tap noise from the drums. Now I just need something to stop it vibrating as that's what's causing a lot of noise...


          Are all the UK rock band drums EL units?


            Originally posted by ?L?w?? View Post
            Are all the UK rock band drums EL units?
            No, mine were QM's from GAME online. Also waiting for pads from these guys at


              Got my pads from on Friday and they're great. The sound is damped considerably, which is good, and they look cool with the black pads on top of the coloured ones.

              And I actually think they've mad my drumming better, since I can hit the drums a bit harder without having to worry about the noise as much, so I'm missing fewer notes due to the sensitivity of the pads.


                just ordered some myself for the same reason


                  Originally posted by Mgear View Post
                  No, mine were QM's from GAME online. Also waiting for pads from these guys at
                  Just wanted to mention that my Micro-Cellular Urethane (Small) turned up Friday.

                  I've only had some time to play yesterday lunchtime (due to watching a real rock band at Wembly last night :-) - awesome btw) but definately improve the drumming experience. Dampen the noise to the point where you can hit as hard without worrying about the 'clacking' noise so much. Also I think they definately improve the feeling of hitting the drums.

                  God knows how much the MCU Dual would dampen the sound but these are highly recommended. Also at the moment they don't appear to be marking in any way when the stick hits them.

                  EDIT - oh and the other thing I like about the MCU Small is they actually leave enought of a gap for the original drum edging colour to come through.
                  Last edited by Digfox; 07-06-2008, 15:04.


                    Got my pads today from

                    Nice and easy to stick on. I decided to use the extra black pads as well as the coloured ones, so you get a nice ring of colour round the edge plus extra padding without loss in sensitivity from what i can tell. Sticks seem to bounce back nicely, and the tapping is gone. You can obviously still hear the sticks whacking the pads, but its a much more satisfying noise, and far less audible than before.

                    For ?15 im happy and would recommend them.


                      I got some MCU small from for my UK EL drumset and they work a treat. Highly recommended and doesn't affect sensitivity either.


                        Has anyone tried the Nerf ones from Game? If so are they any good.


                          hi all, i have the original rock band drums, recently i dug them out and the pedal does not work,everything is plugged in, the drums work but no matter what i try the pedal wont register when i press it down,

                          i can see no damage to it, the only way it shows any activity on screen iss when you plug it in and u see the bump on screen,

                          anyone please know whats wrong?


                            Has the magnet come off the pedal? PIC


                              without unscrewing it i can see the magnet firmly in place at the very top of the orange bit under the pedal, dam ive hardly used it and its been stored away for a year

