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Broken Cube on the memory side?

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    Broken Cube on the memory side?

    Hi all..
    FInally using my cube as its colour (thanks saur your my hero).


    I try explain this in story form.

    I play Zelda and get far and save my game, my mates come around so we chuck in mario party and play and save the game.

    Next night

    I load Zelda and go to load my game and it says "Memory card in slot A is currpted, would you like to format it?"

    If i do no it sayus I cant use it..

    This has happend twice now and annoying.
    So can Cube not save more than 1 diffrent game files to a memory card?

    Also its a bit gay as u got SLOT 1 and SLOT 2...
    If u want to access memory card in SLOT 2 most games dont let u choose it only SLOT 1 so u gotta turn off CUBE put it in 1 etc etc..
    Why they do that its gay?

    Anyway I gotta start Zelda again and I cant be arsed, bolloxs.

    Any advice and help plz?

    Moved to Q&A.


      Are the games you are playing the same region?

      You can save a USA game on a Pal mem card but it will format the card to USA.
      So If you try to save a USA game on a Pal formatted card you will lose your Pal game saves.


        Try New Mem Card M8


          its a USA system and all USA games.....?


            Originally posted by spinpug666
            Are the games you are playing the same region?

            You can save a USA game on a Pal mem card but it will format the card to USA.
            So If you try to save a USA game on a Pal formatted card you will lose your Pal game saves.
            Not true...
            USA savegames and PAL savegames can coexist on the same memory card! I've got savegames of Zelda US on my PAL memcard, no problem at all!
            The only region that needs a reformatted memcard is JAP.


              Freeloader saves all regions on one memory card.
              As to your question, are you using official Nintendo memory cards? If not, why not fool? If you are, then looks like you are the first person to have an official memory card go wrong that I know of. Get a new one.

