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Game creation - Dark Basic or else?

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    Game creation - Dark Basic or else?

    Has anyone tried building a game before? I'm haunted by some ideas and am looking for a good tool to develop these into a game.

    Is Dark Basic Pro the way to go or do you know of (or can recommend) some other software? Also if you've done some related work, please share your experiences.

    Blitz Basic is excellent - I had never used it before, but managed to implement the basics of a Snake game in one afternoon.


      Well if you don't mind learning how to program C++ then just use C++ with SDL and OpenGL libraries.


        Thanks insin_, I've just returned from a look at the blitzsite. Sounds good to me, as well as the customer reviews of it (Blitz3D) on Amazon.

        The creator of Blitz says on the main site that this product is currently only available via download. Do you have a boxed version, insin_ and if, are you using the supposedly to be included printed manual? Is the onscreen one equally sufficient and easy to work with too? Would this be a disadvantage to get the download only version that lacks that ringed manual?


          Originally posted by Valken
          Well if you don't mind learning how to program C++ then just use C++ with SDL and OpenGL libraries.
          Yeah, this is definately the way to go. Maybe a large step for a beginner though?

          I would learn GBA programming. Putting sprites on screen, messing around with BG's and parallax scrolling is very easy, and it's made in such a way that creating custom libraries is a piece of cake.

          Just check here.

          So much fun, plus I've got source for a few simple racing games/physics demos if you want to check them out.


            Originally posted by Electric Boogaloo
            Originally posted by Valken
            Well if you don't mind learning how to program C++ then just use C++ with SDL and OpenGL libraries.
            Yeah, this is definately the way to go. Maybe a large step for a beginner though?
            My programming experience consists of stints I did on C64 back in the early 80s, BASIC, and very basic too. Time management is a big issue already facing my own myriad-topics-interested personality, so learning C++ or something similar complex (getting a grip on reality, *sweats*) is sadly out of question.

            That's why I was intrigued by Dark Basic or Blitz Basic, the latter seems to get more warm praise on the net by users. Anyway thanks for your comments so far y'all and for your GBA-project-code-(?)-offer, Electric Boogaloo.


              Originally posted by chevkoch
              Thanks insin_, I've just returned from a look at the blitzsite. Sounds good to me, as well as the customer reviews of it (Blitz3D) on Amazon.

              The creator of Blitz says on the main site that this product is currently only available via download. Do you have a boxed version, insin_ and if, are you using the supposedly to be included printed manual? Is the onscreen one equally sufficient and easy to work with too? Would this be a disadvantage to get the download only version that lacks that ringed manual?
              I got my version of Blitz2D free on a PC mag coverdisc, so I've only had the in-editor manual available - however, it is quite comprehensive with a tutorial and a very good language reference with usage examples.


                Originally posted by insin_
                I got my version of Blitz2D free on a PC mag coverdisc, so I've only had the in-editor manual available - however, it is quite comprehensive with a tutorial and a very good language reference with usage examples.

                That wouldn't be a recent issue of ...? And - was that a full version or just a trial of Blitz2D?


                  I have Dark Basic Pro and can churn out games quickly and easily (although I have no time at themoment due To Metroid Prime)

                  I've not tried Blitz myself so can't comment on the differences (although I have heard that DBPro handles 3D much better than Blitz 3D and also handles surround sound features better)

                  However Dark Basic Pro has a decent development scene (see the web site) and is just celebrating the release of their first independent game (ie pay for download). It is constantly being updated (again via downloads) and will be supportd for a long time to come.

                  Plus (and here is the thing) it is a piece of piss to program. I've been programming for quite a while and worked in the industry up until 2000 and it's amazing what you can do in just 10 lines of code which would take you literally hundreds in C++ with OGL.

                  So if you want to work in the industry get studying C++, Direct X and OGL, if you want to program little games for fun then get Blitz or Dark Basic.


                    Originally posted by Reef
                    So if you want to work in the industry get studying C++, Direct X and OGL, if you want to program little games for fun then get Blitz or Dark Basic.
                    Just for the heck of it, how difficult would it be to get into the C++ kind of approach to programming games? Since I would need to put a lot of effort into learning to work with Blitz etc. too, would it be more rewarding in the end to go the traditional way straight away?

                    The difference between games done with software like Blitz or Dark Basic and ones coded in C++ would be... me guesses speed, and flexibility in ways to materialise your ideas? Or, as far as flexibility goes, do Blitz and the like stand their ground in comparison to "old school" programmed work? So many questions...


                      learning a new coding language is a rather painless process, the main difficulty in learning to program is initially getting your head around the concepts, once your familar with logical thinking and how to achive what you want using the contraints of one language, you can pick another language up in a matter of days,

                      for example, i tinkered with Quake C years ago, and now i work full time coding C/C++, never needed lessons/books as i'd learnt BASIC as a kid and understood the structure already.


                        Yes, that's what I figured too. The analytic thought patterns did stick after I had done some BASIC programming that long ago. I'm not afraid of learning something new. The question that remains is: is there a vast quality difference between available game design software like Blitz and C/C++ done stuff?

                        There seems to be the obvious advantage of these programs, like Reef said, that they make things easier and quicker to build. And giving it some thought, the option of going a commercial route when having produced something worthwile wouldn't hurt - completely beyond realism with Blitz etc.?


                          i'd go with C/C++, as even if you only learn half of it, thats a valueable skill, where as Blitz and Dark Basic offer you little route of going pro.

                          if you want to make a bit of money by making shareware software, go with C/C++, as it'll offer far superior performance.

                          Also, thanks to Direct-X and the SDK/Help documents its pretty easy to get a 3D direct-x game up and running nowadays.


                            If you already know BASIC, then learning C is incredibly easy. It's exactly the same concepts, but put in a much better structure.

                            However, C++ is a little trickier, as it's a different way of thinking. Theoretically you could just program normally in it, but you may as well just use C if you don't understand or can't design in an object oriented manner.

                            So learn C, then when you are familiar with the way it works, read into Object Oriented Programming, and then move onto C++.


                              Thanks guys. Are there sites on the web you could recommend that provide a look into C/C++ games related programming that would be useful as a starting point?

                              *edit* I'm aware of the fact that I might as well assume calling a time cornucopia my own from now on.

