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Can't install gfx card*fixed* - CPU usage of games?

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    Can't install gfx card*fixed* - CPU usage of games?

    Trying to fit my new Geforce 4 card, and I can't get it to detect. I tried disabling my motherboard-based card and then booting, but it didn't detect. I can get some sort of signal though it (I can see boot screens), but nothing else. Now, my machine in is 'VGA SAVE' display mode, and the new card is unplugged.

    Any tips? I've already installed the drivers.



      Thanks for the constructive reply, you bast.


        C'mon chaps, someone help Treble out here! The guy is clearly suffering...
        I mean, how hard can it be?


          did you remove the old card driver and choose standard vga adpater or whatever its called. or maybe a bios update might help, theres some conflict going on.


            Found out what it was: there was a conflict between the drivers because it couldn't rename a temporary file. I had to delete the old temporary file (which was the rename of my old driver) before it could overwrite it with my new deletion, if that makes sense. Basically, the computer already thought the driver was uninstalled when it wasn't. Cheers for the advice anyway.


              One small thing: when running a game demo (I don't actually have any full versions yet), my CPU runs at 100%. Is this normal?


                Depends on the CPU & the game


                  Originally posted by Treble
                  One small thing: when running a game demo (I don't actually have any full versions yet), my CPU runs at 100%. Is this normal?
                  It's mostly normal... remember a game is basically a load of event loops that run non stop.

                  check for input, apply physics, load files, redraw, etc which will take up a lot of CPU time since if it stops running in real time the game gets jerky and stuff.

                  These days games tend to be multithreaded to a certain degree which would make CPU load a little less but it's still gonna be more than a few simply apps that process a few events here and there.


                    Probably nothing to do with games.

                    Look at this link


                      Originally posted by 2 Point
                      Probably nothing to do with games.

                      Look at this link



                        Originally posted by choddo
                        PC users are likely to read this thread, it's a handy tip for them.

                        Wasn't hard, was it.


                          Aye, that's a bloody handy little tip there from 2 Point. Thing is, I normally right click avi files to see the kind of info I'd lose if I got rid of the search value. Looks like I'll have to put up with cpu usage maxing out sometimes. It can be a pain in the ass when I want to right click and "open with" though.


                            Turn off those stupid task panes altogether. Windows Classic view is faster and looks better too.


                              Well, I appreciate the replies and everything people. Thanks
                              And there's no need to argue - all info is gratefully received ^_^

