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Zelda TWW driving me mad please help!

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    Zelda TWW driving me mad please help!

    Is it possible to cure all of the baby Deku trees simply by sailing round to each one or do i have to have the ability to fly around the ocean on that tornado you get from the other wind god?

    Ive gone over the whole ocean and ive discovered every single island and at the mo i'm stuck on The Tower of the Gods because i don't have the bow and arrows to shoot the eyes inside ft:

    Am i right in thinking that you get the bow and arrows from the GREAT DEKU TREE when youv'e saved all the baby Deku tree's?It must be this because ive been to every single island in the ocean the only thing i haven't done yet is the baby deku tree challenge

    I can get to the last Deku tree but i need about an extra 20 seconds to do it and it seems to me that it is impossible to do it just by sailing round the oceans


    Am i right in thinking that you get the bow and arrows from the GREAT DEKU TREE when youv'e saved all the baby Deku tree's?
    No. Saving the trees is a sidequest.

    The bow is inside the Tower of the Gods.


      Originally posted by yashiro
      Am i right in thinking that you get the bow and arrows from the GREAT DEKU TREE when youv'e saved all the baby Deku tree's?
      No. Saving the trees is a sidequest.

      The bow is inside the Tower of the Gods.
      Thank you my friend that's all i need to know


        In a completely unrelated side-note.

        The house on your home island, where the woman with the 2 kids and keeps the giant pig.

        Well, the roof window, it's open and you can jump down into an attic. Nuthin special in there, but i'm still discovering new stuff all the time!


          Originally posted by TheShend
          In a completely unrelated side-note.

          The house on your home island, where the woman with the 2 kids and keeps the giant pig.

          Well, the roof window, it's open and you can jump down into an attic. Nuthin special in there, but i'm still discovering new stuff all the time!
          I know but theres **** all in there

