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    I'm getting increasingly annoyed with Google as well. It's like they played MGS2 and decided to base their business model on that big computer thing that rifles through all communication.


      Originally posted by CMcK View Post
      I don't use Google even for search these days unless I really have to. Their ideas on openness and privacy are scary. Shame Virgin Media has moved their e-mail service to Google mail, I'm sort of stuck with that.
      Not really mate. Get your own domain (really cheap from )

      then use these guys to handle your email. I've used them for years:

      Fast, private email hosting for you or your business. More productive, lightning fast, simple and built to save you time.

      Their anti-spam is way better than google's too.


        OSX 10.6.3 is out and it fixes the X3100 graphics issues. Yay! About bloody time too.


          Originally posted by Strolls View Post
          I've never been aware of any brand that's any better than any of the others.

          They're all bog-standard EIDE or SATA hard-drives in a USB (or firewire or eSATA) box. All the boxes use the same chipset(s).

          Firewire is faster than USB, but it's unlikely to make much difference for Time Machine. If you want "future proofing" then you can buy an eSATA case, but the money you spend on it now is probably better saved for when you buy a drive 4x the size in a couple of years time.

          There are external drives based on both 3.5" (desktop) and 2.5" (laptop) hard-drives. The smaller ones, based on 2.5" drives, may not need a separate power adaptor for the drive, so you just connect those to the laptop with a USB cable and you're done. Larger USB drives based on 3.5" will need a transformer or wall-wart of some kind - they may even be as large as this and that can be a bit more cumbersome if your Mac is a laptop.

          It might be NTFS formatted.
          Great, thanks mate. Ive gone for a small Western Digital My Passport 500gb for ?70, so hopefully that will do the job nicely.


            Only had a small amount of time to try and stream from macbook to ps3 using medialink demo version with no luck.If this works then full version will be purchased.

            PS3 does show up on the devices tab on the medialink panel but the ps3 cant find any video servers.The firewall on the mac is disabled so anybody got any ideas.

            Apologies if already discussed in this thread.



              I had the same problem. The advice in the first thread on the below page fixed it.


                Originally posted by Marmite View Post
                Also, one other quick question while im here. When on holiday recently i hooked up a mates extrenal HD to my mac and copied some video files from it to my computer. However, when i tried to move a few files i had on my mac to his external HD, it said i didnt have access to do so. Any ideas how i avoid this in future? Couldnt seem to figure it out. His external HD is usually used with a PC. Does that matter?
                You will need something like Paragon NTFS to read NTFS-formatted drives.


                  Here you go - excellent and free:


                    Anyone have any game recommendations for my recently purchased Mac?

                    My younger cousin was playing Lego Batman which looked impressive.


                      Give a few weeks/months* and we can recommend some games from Steam

                      *Valve time


                        Has anyone used RapidWeaver, I'm thinking of buying it just wondered what people thought of it.


                          I have RapidWeaver but not really used it yet. I got it as part of a bundle.
                          I'm looking at whether to use RapidWeaver, ExpressionEngine or some kind of Ruby/Rails system to develop websites.


                            Anyone else having issues with Google Chrome on OSX? Ok so mine's the developer's edition (so I can use Rikaichan) but since the last update YouTube videos are playing up. If I click an embedded video, it no longer opens in a new tab, instead it starts the video again from the beginning but also keeps the current video playing so it overlaps. If I keep clicking play, it keeps starting the video again and overlapping the sound.

                            Even on YouTube itself, if I'm watching a video and scroll down the page (or flick to another tab) and then back up again, usually it'll start flickering white very rapidly, and sometimes a big white box covers half the video. I have to refresh to fix it.

                            It's doing my nut in.


                              Chrome is too buggy to use at the moment imo. I dabble now and then but safari really is the best thing to use on a mac.


                                I can't remember why I don't use Safari on it. I'm sure there's a reason of some sort, probably the dodgy keyboard shortcuts. Firefox just got a bit too annoying and slow for me so I started using Chrome.

                                I've set Safari to default now so let's see where it takes me.

                                Speaking of browsers, I seem to have Opera on here and it opens randomly with certain files (like html files) but I can't find it anywhere to remove it. It doesn't even show up in Spotlight, and I don't remember ever installing it. Weird thing is in Opera's about page, it shows the folders it uses. Navigating to those folders reveals them of course, but searching for any filenames within them comes up blank (e.g. users/bilal/library/app support/preferences/opera preferences).

                                I wonder if Spotlight is set to not scour certain system folders?


                                Found it! It's nestled away inside Adobe Bridge CS4, as in it's actually inside the Bridge program package itself. I'll remove it later...
                                Last edited by randombs; 12-05-2010, 08:36.

