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problem connecting ps3 via HDMI to tv Please help.

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    problem connecting ps3 via HDMI to tv Please help.

    Hey guys,

    so i went and bought my mum a new Samsung F series LCD tv here

    Now she wasnt happy with dvds so i said go buy a Blu ray player. My brothers and sister also wanted a PS3 so i said thats your best bet. So i get home and set it all up. So i set it all up. Plug the PS3 via HDMI to the TV (She has no surround sound atm) and turn it on. The PS3 detects HDMI and so i click go for optimal settings, and bang! A loud buzzing sound, sort of like when theres no reception on a tv with the grain. it goes away. however no everytime the PS3 loads up, and when a blu ray plays for the first time it makes this noise and the picture also goes funny for a second, like purple and stuff. The weird part is when i turn the PS3 off the loud buzzing regardless of the tv even if its on mute will just keep going until you change the channel. So now we must change the channel before turning the tv off. And its really off putting for her and shes tempted to take it back and just get a dvd player. Also i have connected the PS3 via component and the problem disappears. So it is a HDMI problem.

    So my question is, what is this sound? Why is it there and how do i get rid of it?

    I dont have this problem with my set up, but i am running through an Onkyo reciever. Please help as we need nass market adoption but things like this are offputting.

    Thank you very much.

    EDIT: Well it makes a sound like this only much worse.

    And also makes a pic like this. In fact this is like the tv they use. so it does this but with that AWEFUL sound. please help.

    Well, if it is fine via component, then the problem is unlikely to be the TV or PS3 - what kind of HDMI cable did you get? Without wanting to sound rude, was it a cheap one? Even if you paid a lot for it, it may be a faulty cable. Take the cable back, get it exchanged (or purchase a better one)) and see if that makes any difference. If yes, problem solved, if it doesn't solve the problem, perhaps there is something wrong with the HDMI on the PS3 or the TV. But try changing the cable over first.


      ok i tried it with my PS3 on her tv and same problem so i know its not the PS3. Also i tried it with 3 different HDMI cables and same problem (2 of which are mine so i know the cables are fine). They were not cheap cables. they cost me $350AUD each. There monster branded, and as i said work perfect on my TV. So i am leaning towards something with the TV? If so what could it be? Should i ring Samsung or the place i bought it from (the TV is 3 days old) Its really frustrating.

      Thanks mate!

      EDIT: The TV also has 3 HDMI ports and does it in all 3 ports. i dont know if there all on the same chip or anything but yeah thought i may say that.


        I'd call the place that you got the TV from mate and tell them you want a replacement. I'm not sure hoe customers rights work in Oz but they should replace it if faulty - get on the phone to them asap. Or if you bought it from a physical shop (i.e. not online) then just take it back there as soon as you can and kick up a fuss

        Good luck...


          Sounds like a faulty telly.

          If you switch the PS3 off then switch it back aon with the button at front but this time keep it held down it will beep after around 7seconds and reset its self to 480p and you can go thru the video options again.


            Do it sooner than later, (take the TV back) don't suffer a 18months down the line like I am . heh

