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HTPC stuff

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    HTPC stuff

    I have an intel mac mini spare, setup Windows and hooked it up to my LCD with DVI-HDMI and it's all good. I intend to use it for emulation mostly, SNES, Saturn et cetera and a bit of GGPO (no actual theatre stuff so the title might be a bit misleading)

    I'm not a big fan of having a keyboard and mouse and all the associated cables hanging around the TV though, or really that bothered enough to drop a hundred on Bluetooth gear.

    Here's the question: I know you can use a Wii remote as a pointing device, would it be best to say, pair a Wii'mote and make a bunch of desktop icons for the emulators and software I wish to use? I have a Sixaxis setup for actually playing games, so that's taken care of.

    By all means use a Wii remote but prepared for the batteries to die at a rate of knots. Okay if you have a charging dock I guess though.


      I got a cheopo usb receiver for my wireless 360 controller and it works a treat. Also, if you follow this guide, you can use your controller as a mouse in Windows...

