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Decent Laptops around ?300

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    Decent Laptops around ?300

    Hi, my sister needs a new laptop as her old hand me down one fried itself.

    Doesn't want to spend more than 350 really and only needs it for net, music and storing photos etc so it doesn't need to be too snazzy.

    Does anyone know of any great deals out there at the moment?


    Asus OK for her?

    My friend was on about a decent spec Asus in the Tescos sale for ?289, even had 3gb of ram! It was a couple of weeks ago but have a look there.


      What's Asus? Can't see it on their site but have seen this which seems a good spec if right at the top of her budget:


        tesco are a really good place to go if your after a cheap laptop...i recommend trying to get one from the store because if anything goes wrong with it within the first year they take it back and replace it for a new one no questions asked


          Originally posted by Alastair View Post
          Hi, my sister needs a new laptop as her old hand me down one fried itself.

          Doesn't want to spend more than 350 really and only needs it for net, music and storing photos etc so it doesn't need to be too snazzy.

          Does anyone know of any great deals out there at the moment?

          Keep an eye on the Dell offers on HotUKDeals - ?350 should bag you a decent spec Laptop. Dell usually have new deals each week starting on a Thursday morning.


            Originally posted by Alastair View Post
            What's Asus? Can't see it on their site but have seen this which seems a good spec if right at the top of her budget:
            Yeah thats it, Acer not Asus - Doh! Price has risen a bit but it still looks a good deal?


              just a warning. Acer are notable for awful build quality and I've experienced it first hand (PDA failing a week after receiving)


                yeah, I'd avoid acer if possible too, their customer support is also useless.


                  Got to say chaps its a bit unfair to state that either Asus or Acer have bad custommer service, having had to deal with both of them this year a couple of times so far this year. I`ve good and bad from both - its luck of the draw depending if the person looking into your problems gives a damn.
                  Both the acer and Asus do a nice little range of laptops in your price range Alistair, you might want to check out Aldi of all places as they are doing a mini laptop which is a rebranded wind or somesuch it even has N Wireless built in.

                  here -
                  Last edited by huxley; 27-09-2008, 10:03.


                    Inspiron 1525 for ?329 - delivered.


                    I'd grab an extra 1gb of ram (+?20) seeing as it's Vista.


                      Another option might be to take a look at some of the "free" laptops some of the mobile phone companys are giving away at present when you sign up with them, its not as if you have to use the phone, which you can flog off at the end of the contract. Think of it as %0 hp. A lot of the students around here seem to be doing this.


                        Thanks for all the info guys, she pretty much ignored all my advice in the end and went for a Toshiba that I think was £379. Spec seems good and she got a 17" screen so she's happy!

