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Xbox Insurance Claim

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    Xbox Insurance Claim

    Ok, shoot me if I am being stupid here but I have a ****ed chipped xbox on my hands. Is there any problems with claiming for it on my contents insurance, as a chipped machine? Apart from the fact that I will struggle explaining to them what I have exactly, are there any legal implications with having a chipped machine?

    Now there's a quandary. First of all, home insurance polices are designed to put you back in the same position as you were before the claim, so in theory the chip should be covered. The insurers will want to repalce the XBox unit with one direct from their suppliers. Obviously they won't be able to supply a chipped machine.

    As for the chip itself, it's a bit of legal grey area. If the insurance company are aware of the legal issues regarding chips, then they won't want to replace it. Chances are that the bods in the claims department won't though.

    However, what you do not want to happen is for the Insurance Company to ask the suppliers if they can supply a chipped machine. Undoubtedly the suppliers (usually one of the big electronics suppliers) will say chipping is illegal and this will bugger up your claim. They will probably ask this even if you ask them if you can use your own supplier.

    The way I would get around it would be be send in the claim with an article on chipping that explains in plain English what a chip does, what the advantages are without mentioning the dodgy side. You'll also need a quote to replace the chip too. Then explain that yiu are ahppy for the insurance company to replace the XBox, but insist that the chips are only available from the company you got the quote from and nowhere else. I would send the form off and phone them up the day after, basically get them to accept that they need to agree that you can replace the chip direct without calling their suppliers.

    Good luck!


      One quick thing, what actually buggered up your XBox? You can't claim if the chip just blew, it has to be a defined peril such as Fire, Burst pipe or caused by Accidental Damage (if you have the cover). A blown chip is just breakdown and won't be covered.


        Just claim for a replacement xbox and get it chipped again. Thats what i did when my xbox got smashed when about 4 shelves of bits and bobs fell on it.



          I thought he meant he wanted to claim for the chip as well 8).


            Thanks for all your help guys. I've been thinking about this and I think the best course of action is to show them a pre modded xbox from the likes of white dog or london consoles and tell them that's what I have. Surely it's not illegal for them to sell them or they would have been shut down.


              Originally posted by Brats
              However, what you do not want to happen is for the Insurance Company to ask the suppliers if they can supply a chipped machine. Undoubtedly the suppliers (usually one of the big electronics suppliers) will say chipping is illegal and this will bugger up your claim.
              Brats, is this tidbit in your (superb) FAQ on videogame insurance, as I don't recall seeing it there before? if not, it might be wise to include it, as nearly all my machines are chipped!

