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Pipex is getting worse

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    Pipex is getting worse

    Since the takeover by Tiscali I had not until recently had any cause to change provider.

    They now seemed to have done something to the email server... I get the error...

    The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    I have been trying to sort this via email as I don't see the fun of using an 0971 number.

    I can mostly read emails via their Netmail but even this is becoming flaky!!!

    I am seriously considering jumping ship (with the associated aggravation with email addressing) as I am getting fed up! I do have a domain name so the email thing is not a total disaster with email forwarding. There is just the associated problems of changing all my occurences of my current email with Amazon, Forums etc!! (pain!)

    As I am with Sky I am considering them, but wonder if it is worth the swap (a firend is going to them from Pipex so I can wait to see what he thinks). Should I look elsewhere for another provider.

    Is there an alternative number listed on somewhere like ?

    EDIT: not on there there isn't, ignore me.
    Last edited by VR46; 11-10-2008, 08:33.


      Pipex are useless. I was terrified when they bought nildram, but nildram seems to be continuing it's excellent service. It's pricey but I've been using it for years with perfect service at all times. Jump to nildram.


        The friend who is going to Sky was with Nildram. He is not impressed.

        I have no complaints about my internet in general. It is just the email that is giving me grief, since the 1st October.


          Was with pipex for a long while but jumped ship about 18 months ago to Fast.

          Excellent service...

          Support calls answered in about 2-3 rings and seems to always be the same bloke...

          Could be one man and his dog but they get the job done..


            I ditched Pipex about a year ago for BT and even then I should have done it about 6 months sooner. I honestly don't know why anyone is still with them. Which is a shame given just how good they had been in the past.

            As for BT, I've got no complaints at all. Fast & reliable service. Their helpdesk may be a useless one based in India, but I've had no reason to call them for my home connection.

            Sky are supposed to be quite good too, but the package I wanted wasn't available here. Have you done a search on Google to see if this is a known issue? Sometimes stuff like this has workarounds like using a different port number for example.


              When I moved flat in Feb 2007 I ditched Pipex for Zen. Similar reasons to above and that I wasn't comfortable with the way their service was going; i.e. getting phone calls to try and sign me up for their phone services. I moved to Zen, who are very expensive but equality have not let me down in reliability of service, or when I've had to phone them up.

              If I was moving again I probably wouldn't consider Pipex. I'm sure you know but ADSL guide is great for following details on each ISP out there.


                I just thought I'd put in a good word for Pipex

                I signed up for there business line a couple of months ago, ?22/month for 16mbit. I've not had any problems.

                The fact that I get 17mbit is just a bonus.


                  Talked to a friend on Sunday, who is on the support desk at Pipex, and they said that there had been an email problem that had been escalated. Rather than try to get information to prove I had an account (I was using a Pipex email address... duh!): if they had said that there was a known email problem it would have saved my aggravation. Needless to say I have not received a reply to my last email yet.

                  It was working fine on Monday. I will stay with them for the moment and see if things go bad again.

