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Help from 02 Broadband Users..Please..

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    Help from 02 Broadband Users..Please..

    Bit of a long shot but...

    I have just bought the mother in law an Advent Netbook and ordered her 02 Broadband..

    She lives in Manchester and we live 180miles away..

    I have set up the netbook ready to go and seeing her on Sunday..

    Here lies the problem.. She will recieve the router and software on Monday and without much knowledge AND and CD Drive she will struggle to set it up..

    So I am after the files from the disc so as I can setup in advance.. Have trawled the net looking with no success..

    If they are small enough could someone who has them email them to me...

    Would be a massive help..


    I don't beleive there is anything to do as be/O2 use routed ethernet so a username/password is not required.
    My router just needed switching on and plugging in.
    The WPA key is printed on the bottom of the router.
    Last edited by smouty; 16-10-2008, 21:04.


      Ok then that sounds pretty easy..


        I use a Mac with mine but yeah, it just worked. Didn't need to do anything except plug cables in.

