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PS3 will not load past sony screen

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    PS3 will not load past sony screen

    Just turned on my ps3 to play some saints row 2 and it will not get past the the screen that says sonycomputer enteriment

    it just gets stuck on the screen below link to picture below as i could not seem to get it uploaded

    no idea what to do
    Last edited by DUKENUKEM2UK; 19-10-2008, 14:17.

    Have you updated to firmware 2.5 yet?

    That has a built in recovery menu which might help you, if not I guess you could try removing the drive, formatting it (eep), and then putting it back in.

    Or sending it to sony, if you've updated though, try this


      tryed doing this but know all the ps3 does is turn on and the screen is black but all the correct lights are on the ps3


        Tried removing the hard disk then turning it on? worth a shot I guess.

        edit: on some of the newer models the firmware is stored on the hard disk itself so maybe it'll just do the same.

        Looks like you might need to call Sony.


          sorted it had to re format the hdd lost all my saves but at least its fixed now


            I'm surprised that the repair menu didn't come up when you tried, (or did it?), and you could have just selected 'rebuild filesystem' from there.


              tryed that but it did not work so had to format

